Here [1] is a draft of the agenda for the OData TC (Technical Committee) meeting scheduled on Thursday September 12, 2013 during 8-9am PT. For additional information, such as dial-in details and chat room, refer to [2]. For TC timeline, see [3]. Feel free to suggest additions or modifications. Thanks. [1] Agenda for 2013.09. 12 OData TC meeting 1. Roll call [8:00am PT] 2. Approve agenda [8:05am PT] 3. Approve minutes from previous meeting(s) [8:10am PT] a. Minutes from September 5, 2013 TC meeting: 4. Review action items [Action item list: ] [8: 0 5am PT] a. Action items due by September 12, 2013 i. None b. Action items NOT due by September 12, 2013 but MAY be ready for closure i. Any? 5. Process issues [Issues list: ] [8: 1 0am PT] a. Issues for v4.0_Errata1 i. ODATA-501 : has operator is missing from the operator precedence table [New] ii. ODATA-499 : 7.1.3 Nullable should refer to NavigationProperty, not Property [New] iii. ODATA-498 : Error with m:type in Example 31 of Atom [New] iv. ODATA-496 : Adapt outdated action/function overload resolution rules in Part 1 to current rules in Part 3 [New] v. ODATA-495 : Clarify that Edm.Double and Edm.Single are 64-bit and 32-bit IEEE754 floating-point numbers [New] vi. ODATA-493 : Capabilities vocabulary: add term for SearchRestrictions [New] vii. ODATA-492 : Add example for „has" operator to section [New] viii. ODATA-491 : Explicitly state that key property values MUST be language-independent [New] ix. ODATA-490 : Clarify Referential Constraints have UpdateRule=Cascade semantics [New] x. ODATA-489 : Clarify wording for OnDelete [New] xi. ODATA-488 : Restrict values of edm:Bool in edm.xsd to lower-case "true" and "false" [New] xii. ODATA-487 : Clarify where relative URLs follow the rules in section 4.3 and where they follow different rules [New] xiii. ODATA-486 : Missing <Record> wrapper in three examples [New] xiv. ODATA-485 : Add example for UrlRef _expression_ that contains a literal string that is a URL [New] xv. ODATA-484 : Remove reference to "fixed-length or variable-length" primitive values [New] xvi. ODATA-478 : Clarify format for values of Content-ID header in $batch parts [New] xvii. ODATA-477 : Clarify that dynamic properties can be used in all system query options [New] xviii. ODATA-476 : Clarify that type-cast segments are NOT required for properties of derived types in system query options [New] xix. ODATA-475 : Document that the value "%" is used for annotating percentages with Measures.Unit [New] xx. ODATA-474 : Add example for POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE on function result [New] xxi. ODATA-473 : Harmonize description of function overload advertisement in Atom and JSON [New] xxii. ODATA-472 : Explicitly state how dynamic properties are represented if they are not defined on an entity [New] xxiii. ODATA-471 : Property names must also be a valid XML Names (NCName) [New] xxiv. ODATA-470 : Clarify behavior of /$value requests to properties of type Edm.Binary or Edm.Geo* [New] xxv. ODATA-469 : Type of Extends attribute in edm.xsd must be TQualifiedName instead of TSimpleIdentifier [New] b. Issues for v4.1 i. ODATA-497 : Make type prefix optional for URL literals [New] ii. ODATA-494 : Add possibility to "extend" enumeration types with additional values [New] iii. ODATA-483 : Provide stable, memorable section bookmarks for all document sections [New] iv. ODATA-482 : Allow inlining stream properties [New] v. ODATA-481 : Annotation/Navigation/Path expressions: allow paths to continue after multi-valued navigation to e.g. drill into complex properties [New] vi. ODATA-480 : $batch: remove restriction "within the same change set " for Content-ID referencing [New] vii. ODATA-479 : Allow Content-ID referencing in request bodies for inserting links to newly created entities [New] viii. ODATA-468 : Define explicit concepts in ABNF for referenced sets of rules [Open] ix. ODATA-405 : Deep Updates (public comment c201305e00008) [Deferred] x. ODATA-9 : allow expressions in the $select query option [Deferred] c. Issues for v5.0 i. ODATA-500 : Require function/action overloads to differ by ordered set of parameter types [New] ii. ODATA-432 : Define meaning of odata.associationLink on entity level [Deferred] iii. ODATA-424 : Allow MicroXML as first class format (parallel to JSON and probably remove ATOM or remap the latter to MicroXML in future versions) [Deferred] iv. ODATA-287 : Consider adding a primitive type that corresponds with JSR 310 (JDK 1.8 time API) ZonedDateTime [Deferred] v. ODATA-259 : Add Annotation Groups to JSON format [Deferred] vi. ODATA-255 : Consider adding support for requesting flattened results [Deferred] vii. ODATA-220 : Please consider the restoration of DateTime (without offset) [Deferred] viii. ODATA-10 : operator that returns the content of a Stream as either a String or Binary value [Deferred] 9. Next meeting [8:58am PT] a. September 1 9 , 2013 during 8-9am PT? 10. AOB and wrap up [8:59am PT] [2] References · Conference call details: · Chat room: [3] Timeline ·