OASIS Open Command and Control (OpenC2) TC

OpenC2 Happenings for week of 5 March 2018

  • 1.  OpenC2 Happenings for week of 5 March 2018

    Posted 03-05-2018 11:51
    General Announcements: The TC working call with take place on Wednesday, March 7th, at 1:00pm and 9:00pm Eastern. Please notify Joe Brule of any agenda topics you would like discussed during the working call. Phil Royer is the new co-chair of the Actuator Profiles Subcommittee. There is a proposal to rename the use case repo to remove its association with the Language SC and make clear that it is intended for OpenC2 use cases generally (i.e., rename from openc2-lsc-usecases to openc2-usecases (or similar)). The planned date for renaming the repo is Friday, March 23rd (two days after the monthly TC meeting). Announcements will be made at the TC working call and monthly meeting. If you have a fork of the repo, please plan ahead to submit any pull requests in time for them to be processed before the renaming. Duncan Sparrell and Joe Brule will be the editors of a packet filtering firewall profile. Draft minutes for the 21 February meeting have been posted to Kavi. Please review and provide comments and corrections to David Lemire. Coming This Week: Language Subcommittee (LSC) meeting   will occur on   Tuesday March 6th at 13:00   Eastern. WD04 has been circulated for TC review before the next CSD ballot. The L-SC agenda is captured in Lucid ( https://meet.lucidmeetings. com/meeting/185007 ).  TC Working Call , as noted above. Lucid Meeting Invitations:  Language SC and TC members should receive email notifications for their respective meetings. If you have not received invitations via Lucid Emails, please notify Joe Brule or David Lemire ASAP and we will ensure that you are added. Questions about OpenC2 and how to get involved:  contact Joe Brule ( jmbrule@radium.ncsc.mil ), Sounil Yu ( Sounil.yu@bankofamerica.com ), or David Lemire ( dave.lemire@g2-inc.com ). If you haven't joined the discussion on the OpenC2 Slack community and would like to, let us know and we will get you started. Very Respectfully, Sent by David Lemire on behalf of     Joe Brule & Sounil Yu, OpenC2 TC Co-Chairs David P. Lemire , CISSP   OpenC2 Technical Committee Executive Secretary   OpenC2 Implementation Considerations SC Co-chair   Contractor support to NSA Email: dave.lemire@g2-inc.com Office: 301-575-5190 / Mobile: 240-938-9350