OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC


  • 1.  =?iso-8859-1?Q?Re:_Re:_[ubl]_Schema/model_bugs?=

    Posted 04-05-2004 16:02
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: Re: [ubl] Schema/model bugs

    Either way, we would need to update our documentation
    to ensure consistency. We seem to have used both forms
    but I think we've especially favoured 'Unspecialised
    Data Types' (hence abbreviation UDT); I think this
    was to clarify the distinction from xsd:datatypes
    since this had caused some confusion with the understanding
    early on of the CCTS. The edits required in changing back to
    'Datatypes' might include diagrams and their explanatory text.
    jon.bosak@sun.com wrote on 05.04.2004, 17:48:39:
    > [MCRAWFORD@lmi.org:]
    > | Why would we not want to be conformant to XSD?  Specifically note
    > | the title of Part 2 is - "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes" not Data
    > | Types.  Note also that the NDR also calls for these to be called
    > | Datatypes.
    > I didn't have an opinion on this -- I was just pointing out that
    > the schemas and spreadsheets were out of sync with regard to these
    > names.
    > If "Datatypes" is acceptable, then we can leave the schemas alone
    > and just change this in the spreadsheet.
    > Jon
    >    Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 10:15:24 -0400
    >    From: 
    >    >  - In schemas: need to change UBL-SpecialisedDatatypes to
    >    >    UBL-SpecialisedDataTypes
    >    > 
    >    >  - In schemas: need to change UBL-UnspecialisedDatatypes to
    >    >    UBL-UnspecialisedDataTypes
    >    > 
    >    >  - In models: need to change UnSpecialisedDataTypes to
    >    >    UnspecialisedDataTypes
    >    Why would we not want to be conformant to XSD?  Specifically note the title of Part 2 is - "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes" not Data Types.  Note also that the NDR also calls for these to be called Datatypes.
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