OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

[ebxml-msg] Minutes October 22

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] Minutes October 22

    Posted 10-25-2001 04:57
    	the minutes of our conference call on Monday October 22 in word
    format can be read from :
    (Watch for the underscores if the URL wraps or just go to the OASIS web
    	Please tell me if I missed anyone from the roll call as it affects
    YOUR voting status and any errors.
    	Apologies for the delay I was hoping to be able to add the Face to
    face Details and put them on the web site before sending them out.
    Below is an unformatted text version.
    Conference Call	10/22/01	Minutes
    Hosted by Sonic Software (Colleen Evans)
    David Burdett
    Doug Bunting
    Arvola Chan
    Colleen Evans
    Chris Ferris
    David Fischer
    Ian Jones
    Brad Lund
    Bruce Pedretti
    David Smiley
    Jeff Turpin
    Dan Weinreb
    Pete Wenzel
    Prasad Yendluri
    Bob Miller
    Agenda Items
    1.	Roll Call - see above
    2.	Unanimous vote of those present to accept reformatted specification
    (1.05) as the basis for all work to produce version 1.1
    3.	David Burdett, Chris Ferris and David Fischer who produced this
    restructured version and hence have the best understanding of the impact of
    any changes in this version based on the current issue list believe that the
    end date is still achievable.
    The issue of conformance levels and optimality was discussed as part of the
    discussion and the current understanding is that the IIC TC will be
    producing a set of "profiles" defining the required functionality to meet
    defined conformance conditions.  This will be in separate document(s) and
    not part of the messagae service specification.
    4.	Outstanding Issues List as published by Arvola Chan October 10.
    Sync Reply
    Issue 9 - CPPA team will be asked to include a mshSignalsOnly sync reply
    Issue 10 - Decision sync replay MAY be used with out reliable messaging -
    clarification to specification text.
    Issue 51 - Clarification of QualityOfServiceInfo - ReliableMessagingMethod
    to be removed.
    Issue 58 - SyncyReply in both header and Via elements. - This lead to a
    lengthy discussion the highlighted a probably underlying issue that
    "SyncReply" was performing 2 different function depending on its location
    and that one probably need a different name and definition.  This will
    require working through in conjunction with the CPPA TC.  It also
    highlighted the issue of who will any conflict between the 2 be resolved
    especially if one is in the CPPA and the other is in the message.  This in
    turn started the discussion in terms of priority and overrides which MUST be
    resolved in the specification, as it was an outstanding issue from version
    1.0 of the specifications.
    Reliable Messaging Parameters
    Issue 20 - Relationship of CPPA and Message header values - This was
    continued from the previous discussion.  It was agreed that the names and
    definitions of element and attributes must be consistent across both
    specifications that currently they are not. After lengthy discussion this
    issue was agreed to be too large to address on this call and will require
    thorough resolution at the next Face to Face meeting.  Dan volunteered to
    have a look at which values relating to reliable messaging were defined in
    the header and or the CPPA to give as a start at the meeting.
    5.	For next weeks call it was agreed that we would tackle some of the
    smaller issues to allow the editor to apply as many minor changes as
    possible before the face to face.
    6.	Conference call Schedule - all calls Monday 10:00 Pacific/1:00
    October 29 - Hosted by Dale Moberg - Cyclone
    November 5 - Hosted by David Smiley - Mercator - Voting
    7.	Next face to Face - Chris Ferris and David Burdett have secured
    facilities in Burlington, Ma, and Pleasanton Ca, and a video conference link
    for most of the meeting. They will be posting full details soon.
    Next call October 29 @ 10:00 Pacific, 1:00 Eastern.
    Ian Jones
    Chair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC 
    Tel:  +44 (0)29 2072 4063
    Fax: +44 (0)29 2072 4137  
    Email: ian.c.jones@bt.com