UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

  • 1.  MINUTES - 19 March 2003

    Posted 03-19-2003 18:41
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    Subject: MINUTES - 19 March 2003

    1.  Roll Call and Welcome from the chair (Lisa), assignment of co-chair to take minutes.
    Mavis Cournane - Regrets
    Bill Burcham - Yes
    Mark Crawford - Yes (left :11:22)
    Fabrice Desr� - Yes
    Arofan Gregory - No
    Jessica Glace - No
    Michael Grimley - No
    Eduardo Gutentag - Yes
    Eve Maler - No, regrets
    Sue Probert - Yes
    Lisa Seaburg -Yes
    Gunther Stuhec - Yes
    Paul Thorpe - Yes
    Kris Ketels - Yes
    Jim Wilson - Regrets
    Need to add:
    Matt Gertner - No
    Jack Gager (observer) - Yes
    Dan Vint (observer ACCORD) needs to be added to group. - Yes
    Anne Hendry - Yes
    Jon Bosak - Yes (left :11:22)
    2.  Acceptance of minutes from previous meetings - Accepted minutes from March 12, 2003.

    3.  Adoption of agenda/schedule planning   Add agenda item: working relationship with ATG and X12.
    Discussion points for those who might have to leave early:
        Local vs. Global: Mark gave us information from last weeks CEFACT meeting.  There are several issues that make a difference to the outcome of this debate.  There is a strong incentive to begin the convergence between the ATG and the UBL NDR groups.  Jon and Mark made a decision last week to invite the ATG members to begin to observe and enter into the discussions on this list serve.  We want to invite them to co-locate our meetings with them at the London meeting.  This is really a joint meeting.  This helps to guide the ATG folks. 
    Jon:  I pushed to have this happen, after sitting in the meetings it became clear that 1) people in ATG 2 whom we are going to be dealing with, are just as smart and pig headed as this group.  2) also clear they would be reinventing the NDR's and they would be spending a lot of time doing this, that could be better if we included them into discussions and get consensus in the combined two groups.  Some of our big decisions such as local vs. global, would best be decided between the two groups together.
    Lisa: There are logistical problems with this because of the new OASIS members list serve.  Getting people onto the list serve that are not members, does not work.
    Jon: There are ways around this.  Create a new ad-hoc mail list.  We still need to wait and see if they are willing to participate.  We could do this per question, or do this completely with the combined groups.  Or ask Karl to add ATG list serve to this list serve. Or could use the ATG2 list serve - add UBL participants - but no list for just ATG2.  All of ATG not interested.
    Kris: There are other ways, the individual membership fee is not that great.  Otherwise we should ask OASIS to agree with this.
    Mark:  Other alternative would be to move it to the ATG list serve.  We can just put this list serve in as a member to the ATG list.
    Action Item: 1) Jon talk to Karl about using OASIS comment list. 
    Jon: This is our strategy, and it changes the debate deadline for Local vs. Global.  We extend again the deadline until after the London meeting?  We are going to make an attempt at getting agreement before London.  We will continue our elist discussion. 
    Jon: Staging for this debate: continue the list serve, and will ask Karl to create a list.  We will invite ATG2 to join in.  We will start with local vs. global.
    Mark: The ATG group joining in this decision will not have a vote, this is only for them to join in the debate and get a chance to voice their opinions.
    Jon: We want to have this decision made and have both groups happy with the outcome, so that they will not, at some point in the future be asking to rethink the decision again.
    Sue:  This invitation we are making is very important to be open and sent to all the groups involved.
    Jon:  Do we agree that we will take the local vs. global discussion to email only and will not be discussing it on the calls?
    Gunther:  Mark made a very good list of pro and cons about local vs. global, this becomes part of the materials.  Mark will send out.
    AI: Lisa put together top 10 or so of previous local/global discussion papers to drive this new discussion.  Work with Mark on how to get that out to both groups.  Need to capture discussions in October when decision was reversed, and also in F2F.
    4.  Kavi Issues, Discussion of member lists (Lisa) - There are still problems, I have noted above on the roll call who is not getting email.  This should be done sometime within this week.

    5.  Review NDR release schedule (Mark)
        Document is on hold.  Document has moved forward from version .22.

    6.  Review of Project List:
    There were meetings last week between the ATG and CCTS.  The emails regarding this debate need to be shared with the UBL members.  Mark will forward some of these emails to the list serve.
    A+ NDR document update (in progress)
        NDR doc at .22+.  LCSC was interested in getting a draft. Mark will receive input from those who have input, but will keep document internal for now.

    A Code list rules and schema template - (in progress)
    A Embedded documentation (decided in last weeks meeting)
    A Local vs. global elements - (extended)
    A Namespace rules (getting into NDR main doc)
    A Versioning rules (getting into NDR main doc) - in progress
    A Context Methodology (Matt sent a new version of the guidelines document, Eduardo sent to list)
        Matt's feeling is the document is good, examples are there, we are looking for more input.  Dan had volunteered to

    B Common Core Components documentation -(in progress)
            Gunther will send out emails by end of week.
            Gunther also asks for more help with the CCT.  Lisa will do acouple more sections.
            Gunther: More fundamental decisions need to be made immediately regarding data types. If we want to be completely compliant with the CCTS, there are decisions we need to make.
            Mark: This is something we need to discuss further within CCTS.  This may not change how we make our decision. 
            Mark: CCTS made no formal decisions on this - CCTS has to discuss further.  They're decision may have an impact, but would not mandate specific method. This does need to be discussed in LCSC.  Spreadsheet not conformant with CCTS at the moment.

    B Containership (put on agenda for next week, Arofan and Gunther both would like to speak.)
    7.  Review of Sub Committees:
        Library Content SC (Sue),  LCSC QA Team, working on comments (Sue/Anne)
                We are up to date with the 0p70 comments at this point, we have identified owners for each comment also.
                Very few of them are business questions, but there are questions about how the scenarios match up. 
                There are also comments relating to design rules.
                There is also a comment on the scripting.
            - LCSC Schedule:  There is a scheduled date for Version 1p0, we haven't decided if there should be a 0p7? or not, we don't want to extend our scenario, but outside groups have some interesting work that we think we should consider.
    Sue:  One of the things LCSC discussed on their call was their is a need for more tools.  We have done the automation in the middle, but we need to fill in some of the gaps.  We need to discuss this further and decide what to do.
    Anne: The discussion should be about the philosophy behind what is happening.  Chee Kai has offered to help on the tools team.  He is already writing a script (Like Gunthers) to take the Excel spreadsheet into XSD and back out.  He feels there are still real problems with the way this is being done right now. 
    8.  Other Business?
        Find out if NDR wants joint meeting next week.  Agreed, Lisa will contact Tim and Bill to extend the invitation and make sure phone numbers go out.
    9.  Adjourn

    Lisa Seaburg
    Website: http://www.aeon-llc.com/
    Email:  lseaburg@aeon-llc.com
    Alternative Email: xcblgeek@yahoo.com
    Phone: 662-562-7676
    Cellphone: 662-501-7676
    "Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk."

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