Dear TC members,
after presenting the metadata change proposal on the last TC call.
I would like to ask the TC to vote on the proposal during the next call.
Svante Schubert wrote:
> Dear TC members,
> I would like to discuss with you my change proposal [1] for the new ODF
> 1.2 metadata feature in one of the upcoming TC calls.
> As explained in the rationale of the Wiki proposal [2], the scenario of
> adding and removing an ODF document within another ODF document makes
> this change reasonable.
> The change in one sentence: The core metadata mapping file
> 'manifest.rdf' shall no longer be used once per package, but once per
> document.
> To further clarify that the metadata feature is still also a package
> level feature, I suggest to add to our OpenDocument Package
> specification the term of a 'package document'.
> We would state that in an ODF Package a 'package document' exists, which
> is on this level just a set of files building a unit. We would than be
> able to specify how package documents may embed further documents and
> how their MIME types are being specified.
> Therefore I have added aside of the proposal document [3] (the existing
> metadata draft adapted with change tracking), a wording for a section of
> the 'OpenDocument Specification Part 3: Package' in the Wiki proposal [4].
> Regards,
> Svante
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> Svante Schubert wrote:
>> Dear TC members,
>> During implementing the ODF 1.2 metadata feature in, we
>> faced some metadata scenarios, which draw our attention back to the
>> metadata specification of ODF 1.2.
>> As general overview of this feature we created a task [1] and a wiki [2]
>> to list all relevant user scenarios.
>> But the most interesting and releveant scenario is the following:
>> It is possible to embed an ODF document within an ODF document. For
>> instance to embed a spreadsheet document within an text document and
>> later separate or remove the embedded document from the host document
>> again.
>> Both documents might have metadata before merging and should still have
>> their metadata sets after splitting the documents.
>> Even more it is preferable that the metadata RDF files from the embedded
>> documents are split up according to their usage, when the ODF
>> documents are being separated.
>> We came to the conclusion that this scenario can much easier be
>> implemented if every embedded ODF document has its own metadata
>> manfiest (ie. manifest.rdf), located in the directory of the embedded
>> document (aside its content.xml). This would help us to handle a
>> metadata repository separately for every embedded document, allowing us
>> to split the metadata easily as required by the scenario above.
>> We further suggest, that the manifest.rdf files of the embedded
>> documents are NOT linked by the host document manifest.rdf - as linking
>> is not an explicit RDF/XML feature - but are defined by their entry in
>> the manifest.xml of the ODF package.
>> If you would agree on this, I would prepare are wording for the ODF
>> specification.
>> Regards,
>> Svante
>> [1]
>> [2]
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Sun Microsystems GmbH Svante Schubert
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20097 Hamburg StarOffice / Development
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