MHonArc v2.5.2 -->
ebxml-msg message
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Subject: [ebxml-msg] CVS url for ebxml-msg-3
This is not of immediate usefulness, but I've setup a CVS repository to
hold the working files of the v3 specification.
This URL ( )
shows what is checked in on the tree at any given time and allows you
to perform diffs between various version of the files.
The actual CVS server is accessible using CVS-over-SSH, and I will help
others who are involved with the editing effort to get set up on this
When there is something worthwhile to show, I can also have the spec
(and errata if Mike wishes) be built automagically every couple of
hours and dropped into a web directory for easy casual review. With
this system setup, we will be able to collaborate on documents reliably
and in an organized fashion.
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