Hi all, I have put Miklos Vajna, proposal owner of OFFICE-4030, in CC. In regard to OFFICE-4030 Bottom to top, left to right writing direction: For the intended purpose it is not enough, to describe the writing-mode as "bt-lr". You need to define the glyph orientation in addition. Alternatives: A) Add the values from
https://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xsl-20011015/sliceA.html#writing-mode-add , at least the value bt-lr and tb-lr, and in addition specify an equivalent to
https://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xsl-20011015/slice7.html#writing-mode 7.27.2 "glyph-orientation-horizontal" and 7.27.3 "glyph-orientation-vertical" B) Extend the current values of writing-mode with own variants, which include glyph orientation. Read an outline below. C) Use CSS and SVG properties directly.
https://www.w3.org/TR/css-writing-modes-3/ . See also
https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/text.html#WritingModeProperty It will use 'writing-mode', 'direction', and 'text-orientation'. It will be different from CSS2 and SVG1. It is complex. I think it is not really suitable, but decide yourself. ODF1.3, part3, 20.404 style:writing-mode ======================================== A writing-mode value consists of a first part for inline progression, a second part for block progression and an optional third part for glyph orientation. The parts are connected by an hyphen. A progression is either a horizontal direction or a vertical direction. A horizontal direction is one of lr: from left to right rl: from right to left A vertical direction is one of tb: from top to bottom bt: from bottom to top A writing-mode value combines a horizontal progression with a vertical progression. If a glyph orientation part is missing, a linguistic (typographic?) glyph orientation is used. That means, that rotation of a glyph is determined by the script used for the language of the text. Consumers should consider the rules and algorithms of the Unicode standard. [e.g.
http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr41/ Common References for Unicode Standard Annexes, [UAX50], [UTS37]]. If a glyph orientation part is given, a geometric glyph orientation is used. That means, that all glyphs are rotated as specified, no glyph has a special rule. Possible glyph orientations are turn0: No glyph is rotated turn90: All glyphs are rotated 90degree clockwise turn180: All glyphs are rotated 180degree turn270: All glyphs are rotated 90degree counter-clockwise. The angles are relative to the glyph as given in the Unicode charts. Default value for writing-mode is "lr-tb". Consumers shall at least support one of the writing-mode values "lr-tb", "rl-tb" and "tb-rl". The following shorthands are allowed: "lr" for "lr-tb", "rl" for "rl-tb" and "tb" for "tb-rl". [The value 'page' is missing here and needs to be added.] [For defining of 'inline progression', 'block progression' and 'glyph orientation' see
http://unicode.org/notes/tn22/ . That has a link to a pdf-file
http://unicode.org/notes/tn22/RobustVerticalLayout.pdf . In that pdf, section 'Analyzing Text Flow'. Bibliography: Etemad, Elika J., Robust Vertical Text Layout. 27th Internationalization and Unicode Conference. Berlin, Germany, April 2005 In CSS3 it is named 'inline base direction' and 'block flow direction' respectively.] Examples linguistic "lr-tb" Latin, Greek "rl-tb" Arabic, Hebrew "tb-rl" Japanese OOXML "eaVert" "tb-lr" Mongolian OOXML "mongolianVert" "bt-lr" Batak geometric "tb-rl-turn90" OOXML "vert" "bt-lr-turn270" OOXML "vert270" "tb-lr-turn0" OOXML "wordArtVert" "tb-rl-turn0" OOXML "wordArtVertRtl", "tb-lr-turn0" and "tb-rl-turn0" would be similar to ODF 1.3,part 3, 20.263 style:direction, value "ttb", but not restricted to table-cell-properties and chart-properties. [some Examples are from
https://www.omniglot.com/writing/direction.htm ] [OOXML values are from ST_TextVerticalType in section, ISO/IEC 29500-1:2016] Kind regards Regina