Tim, We discussed the GII model and Audun is working to complete the past decisions. We still need to have a comprehensive call on the TSC issues raised by Roberto and Audun. I am very tied up on other matters next week but would like to get an idea what day/time slots on the following week you could be available.. . . From: Tim McGrath [mailto:
tim.mcgrath@documentengineeringservices.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 10:49 PM To: Audun Vennesland Cc: Andrew Schoka; 'Jan Tore Pedersen'; 'Onder, Michael (FHWA)';
dvankemmel@wanadoo.fr; 'Henk van Maaren';
ubl-tsc@lists.oasis-open.org; 'Kenneth Vaughn'; 'Alan Veile';
roberto@javest.com ; Marianne Hagaseth Subject: Re: UBL TSC Telecon 18 Jan 2011, Tues, 0700 EST (WashDC), 1300 CET (Europe), 2000 ( Perth ) sorry i could not make the call yesterday. I have reviewed the TSD model and think it works fine. I note the GII has comments that reflect the decision but not all associations have been implemented yet. is that right? On 18/01/2011 4:07 AM, Audun Vennesland wrote: Dear Andy and Tim, Enclosed you’ll find the latest models of the GII and TSD for discussion in tomorrow’s telecon. I have simplified the GII in order to make it more in line with how the e-Freight GII profile will look like as well as included the comments from our telecon last Friday. Regards, Audun ------------------------------------------------------------- Audun Vennesland SINTEF ICT Software Engineering, Safety and Security 7465 Trondheim Office: +47 73 59 29 37 Cell: +47 92 89 44 18 Visiting address: S.P. Andersens v 15B -------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew Schoka [ mailto:
AMSchoka@comcast.net ] Sent: 17. januar 2011 15:16 To: 'Andrew Schoka';
ubl-tsc@lists.oasis-open.org ; Audun Vennesland; 'Jan Tore Pedersen'; 'Onder, Michael (FHWA)';
dvankemmel@wanadoo.fr ; 'Henk van Maaren'; 'Kenneth Vaughn'; 'Alan Veile';
roberto@javest.com Cc: ' Tim McGrath ' Subject: UBL TSC Telecon 18 Jan 2011, Tues, 0700 EST (WashDC), 1300 CET (Europe), 2000 ( Perth ) AGENDA FOR UBL Transport SubCommittee Telecon 18 Jan 2011 (Tues, 1300 CET (Europe), 0700 EST ( Wash DC), 2000 ( Perth )
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=01&day=18&year=2011&hour=12&min=0&sec=0 ############################################# ****** CON CALL NUMBER! ****** If possible, please use Skype Skype: +9900827043982678 US/Canada toll-free: 1-888-350-0075 International: 201-793-9022 "Conference Room Number": 3982678 then # (applies only if calling one of the phone numbers) For screen sharing:
https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/440146818 AGENDA ITEM 1: REVIEW OF UBL 2.1 PRD02 submission Goods Item Itinerary (GII) revised (Audun can you send to this list?) Transport Service Description (TSD) revised (Audun can you send to this list?) AGENDA ITEM 2: UBL 2.1 PRD01 Issue Resolution (Attached) (see Issue spreadsheet, TSC subset) Refinement of Transport Execution Status Refinement of Transport Operation Status Transport Library refinement (Audun) Transport Library refinement (Roberto) AGENDA ITEM 3: Other Items Regards, Andy Schoka