OASIS Charter Submission Discuss

  • 1.  Minutes for OpenC2 convener call 29 March 2017

    Posted 03-29-2017 18:12
    Attending:  Joe Brule (convener) Bret Jordan Duncan Sparrell Paul Patrick Trey Darley John-Mark Gurney (for Andrew Storms) Joyti Verma Sounil Yu Carol Geyer RobinCover Dee Schurr Chet Ensign We reviewed the slide deck attached to the event notice The call for comment closed and no comments were received. Joe will send an email stating this to the oasis-charter-discuss@ mailing list.  Joe believes that a first meeting date at 13:00 EDT on June 7th (to accommodate both European and US west coast participants) will work. He will confirm at the next OpenC2 Forum conference call and update the charter.  Question on how long the first meeting should run. Chet said typically first meetings go 1 to 1.5 hrs. Question on whether we can issue a call for subcommittee chairs, secretaries, etc. along with the call for chair of the TC. Several notes that other TCs (CTI, CSAF) did this. Chet agrees that we can.  Question about whether being a co-proposer gets you automatically added to the TC roster or if everyone has to do something else. Chet explained that you must go to the roster and join the TC after the call for participation is issued. On the TC internal web page, there will be a link to "Join group.": Each proposer will need to do that.  Carol reviewed promotional and outreach activities that OASIS will be doing.  Question on when the last date is to be added to the call for participation. We request by April 6th although April 9th is the absolute latest.  Carol mentioned that she would like to coordinate with whoever manages the OpenC2 Forum's web page on what resources there they'd like to bring over to OASIS. Carol asked Joe if the plan is to keep openc2.org up and running. Joe said yes, for a transition period while everything is transferred over to OASIS. Suggestions to keep the site up for redirecting people to the new TC.  Carol encouraged anyone with a blog to promote the new TC and then we can link to it, like, comment, etc.  Carol went over how the press release will be handled after the first meeting of the first TC .  Carol mentioned Borderless Cyber in NYC on June 21/22. OASIS will be hosting a member meeting at the end of the second day. It will include lightening rounds: 3 minute speeches on what different TCs are doing. She hopes that someone can talk about OpenC2 in those.  There being no other questions, the meeting was adjourned. -- /chet  ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration  OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393 

  • 2.  Re: [oasis-charter-discuss] Minutes for OpenC2 convener call 29 March 2017

    Posted 03-29-2017 18:30
    Chet, This is excellent.  I wasn't able to be on the call, but speaking as the ETSI liaison as well as the rapporteur of several related work items, the creation of this OpenC2 TC is very much welcome and has a significant nexus to both TC CYBER and TC NTECH, as well as possibly other TCs that we will review. Indeed, as I mentioned at last week's workshop, OpenC2 was written into the remit for the new Middlebox Security Protocol specification initiative as the principal out-of-band mechanism for a suite of middlebox discovery, management, and query requirements.  That protocol will be evolving the established mcTLS and nascent mbTLS platforms. The new work item being introduced in NTECH also expects to use OpenC2 to stitch together STIX based telephony spoofed call metadata to exchange among ISACs. We welcome working together going forward. --tony On 29-Mar-17 2:12 PM, Chet Ensign wrote: Attending:  Joe Brule (convener) Bret Jordan Duncan Sparrell Paul Patrick Trey Darley John-Mark Gurney (for Andrew Storms) Joyti Verma Sounil Yu Carol Geyer RobinCover Dee Schurr Chet Ensign We reviewed the slide deck attached to the event notice The call for comment closed and no comments were received. Joe will send an email stating this to the oasis-charter-discuss@ mailing list.  Joe believes that a first meeting date at 13:00 EDT on June 7th (to accommodate both European and US west coast participants) will work. He will confirm at the next OpenC2 Forum conference call and update the charter.  Question on how long the first meeting should run. Chet said typically first meetings go 1 to 1.5 hrs. Question on whether we can issue a call for subcommittee chairs, secretaries, etc. along with the call for chair of the TC. Several notes that other TCs (CTI, CSAF) did this. Chet agrees that we can.  Question about whether being a co-proposer gets you automatically added to the TC roster or if everyone has to do something else. Chet explained that you must go to the roster and join the TC after the call for participation is issued. On the TC internal web page, there will be a link to Join group. : Each proposer will need to do that.  Carol reviewed promotional and outreach activities that OASIS will be doing.  Question on when the last date is to be added to the call for participation. We request by April 6th although April 9th is the absolute latest.  Carol mentioned that she would like to coordinate with whoever manages the OpenC2 Forum's web page on what resources there they'd like to bring over to OASIS. Carol asked Joe if the plan is to keep openc2.org up and running. Joe said yes, for a transition period while everything is transferred over to OASIS. Suggestions to keep the site up for redirecting people to the new TC.  Carol encouraged anyone with a blog to promote the new TC and then we can link to it, like, comment, etc.  Carol went over how the press release will be handled after the first meeting of the first TC .  Carol mentioned Borderless Cyber in NYC on June 21/22. OASIS will be hosting a member meeting at the end of the second day. It will include lightening rounds: 3 minute speeches on what different TCs are doing. She hopes that someone can talk about OpenC2 in those.  There being no other questions, the meeting was adjourned. -- /chet  ---------------- Chet Ensign Director of Standards Development and TC Administration  OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org Primary: +1 973-996-2298 Mobile: +1 201-341-1393