• 1.  Action items for the DocBook TC meeting this week

    Posted 07-10-2017 17:17
    Here are the action items from last month’s meeting. Please send me any updates you have. I’ll send out the minutes tomorrow. - All: send Larry use case examples for adding license information to content. - Larry: create some use case examples for adding license information and include any use cases contributed by other TC members. - Bob: draft a message inviting interested people to join the DocBook TC. (the minutes were unclear whether this message was for distribution immediately or for distribution to the TC for further discussion. - Bob: look into how the docbook wiki is managed and see if we can change it to use https. Related to github issue 72 (The DocBook websites should really be using https). - Bob: Ask Jirka wither his actions have closed github item 78 (Schema website should be updated). - Bob: Talk with Norm and work up a history of github item 88 (DB 5.0: @name -> title change not published on docbook.org) - Bob: Ask Larry if he can take an action to look into github item 91 (Allow types (when used in method and function) to be more than 1 type.) Best regards, Dick ------- XML Press XML for Technical Communicators http://xmlpress.net hamilton@xmlpress.net

  • 2.  RE: [docbook-tc] Action items for the DocBook TC meeting this week

    Posted 07-11-2017 15:20
    Hello, Dick, I actually had already looked into the request to allow multiple types for functions and methods and was ready to speak to the issue when my Windows audio went crazy. The request is valid for a number of languages that allow returning (or passing in) multiple types assigned to the same value. The case in the request of an integer or a Boolean false is fairly common (there are some Python methods I have written that return None, a Boolean, or a string in a very complex module that analyzes JAR files. I am not sure that the "types" wrapper is needed or whether you could just allow multiple type elements (there may be reasons for restricting it to a single element in that location that I'm not aware of). We can chat about it during the meeting. By the way, after a fairly extensive email exchange with Thomas Schraitle about issue 54 (Add XIncludes to Assembly Schema) I think his request is legitimate and makes sense (I may have been out of writing for too long -- not familiar with some of the modern tool assists). It might be worth having people read over the interchange we had -- he was very helpful explaining some things and I think it makes sense to add xi:include to pretty much all of the assembly elements and use the xi:include version of any DocBook standard elements that are included in the schema. It was a pretty interesting journey though the complexities of modern authoring. Most of my XML usage nowadays is in manipulating configurations and processing complex data stored in XML into HTML, very different from actually writing with it. Probably be worth adding it to the agenda. Regards, Larry Rowland

  • 3.  Re: [docbook-tc] Action items for the DocBook TC meeting this week

    Posted 07-11-2017 17:08
    Hi Dick, I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the call this week. You'll have to chair it. Sorry for the late notice. I'm still working on the recruitment message, so continue that item. Bob Stayton Sagehill Enterprises bobs@sagehill.net On 7/10/2017 10:17 AM, Richard Hamilton wrote: Here are the action items from last month’s meeting. Please send me any updates you have. I’ll send out the minutes tomorrow. - All: send Larry use case examples for adding license information to content. - Larry: create some use case examples for adding license information and include any use cases contributed by other TC members. - Bob: draft a message inviting interested people to join the DocBook TC. (the minutes were unclear whether this message was for distribution immediately or for distribution to the TC for further discussion. - Bob: look into how the docbook wiki is managed and see if we can change it to use https. Related to github issue 72 (The DocBook websites should really be using https). - Bob: Ask Jirka wither his actions have closed github item 78 (Schema website should be updated). - Bob: Talk with Norm and work up a history of github item 88 (DB 5.0: @name -> title change not published on docbook.org) - Bob: Ask Larry if he can take an action to look into github item 91 (Allow types (when used in method and function) to be more than 1 type.) Best regards, Dick ------- XML Press XML for Technical Communicators http://xmlpress.net hamilton@xmlpress.net --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php