OASIS Variability Exchange Language (VEL) TC

Form submission from: Request a template / starter document

  • 1.  Form submission from: Request a template / starter document

    Posted 10-30-2019 14:05
    Submitted on Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - 14:04 Submitted by user: Submitted values are: Your name: Michael Schulze TC name: OASIS Variability Exchange Language (VEL) TC TC email address: vel@lists.oasis-open.org Work product title and version number: The Variability Exchange Language Work product abbreviation: vel-v1.0-wd01 Track: Standards Track Work Product Abstract: The OASIS Variability Exchange Language (VEL) enables the exchange of variability information among tools for variant management tools and systems development tools. VEL eliminates the cost of building customized interfaces by defining a standard way for information to be exchanged among corresponding tools. Using VEL, a variant management tool is able to read the variability from a development tool and pass configurations of selected system features to a development tool. By defining a common variability data interface that can be implemented by both the development tools and the variant management tools, VEL enables a continuous development process for variable systems and more flexible use of tools. Format: Please describe in Notes section Chair(s): Michael Schulze, michael.schulze@pure-systems.com, pure-systems GmbH Uwe Ryssel, uwe.ryssel@pure-systems.com, pure-systems GmbH Editor(s): Michael Schulze, michael.schulze@pure-systems.com, pure-systems GmbH Uwe Ryssel, uwe.ryssel@pure-systems.com, pure-systems GmbH Namespace(s): Notes: We want to use Docbook from now. The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN