It is my experience that control programmers always prefer REST,
because it looks more like an exposed bare API. I would posit that exposed bare
APIs are not necessarily what we want on the web…
"A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in
the wrong, which is but saying ... that he is wiser today than yesterday."
-- Jonathan Swift
Hi David,
Although I do lean towards REST as well, but – unlike SOAP
and WSDL – there are no proven methods of describing and enumerating REST
endpoints and parameters. i.e. with REST, one has to have a document to code
to; with SOAP, one needs a WSDL and the code is automatically generated.
I do not think we should put SOAP aside. I think it should be
supported as much as REST is supported.
With kind regards,
Kohanim, C.E.O
Devices, Inc.
Hi All,
added some comments to the document.
respect to the REST, SOAP, etc question raised by Ed… I lean a
little toward REST as a starting point. It seems this information is very
centric. The participants want to publish information (about a DR event,
etc). The participants (in various markets) should not expect to command
participant [i.e. function setYourThermostat() ]. For backward compatibility with
we can use a separate specification to require any particular SOAP or role-based
interaction (my comments in the document speak to this).
a great day,
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