OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] RE: FEMA - New resources for EM

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] RE: FEMA - New resources for EM

    Posted 05-19-2004 15:48
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] RE: FEMA - New resources for EM

    This is not the "source", but I did find it here:
    On May 17, 2004, at 2:47 PM, Rex Brooks wrote:
    > Thanks, Carl,
    > Would it be kosher to let us know the source of the Press Release?  
    > Besides curiosity, I'd like to send them the url for the CAP  
    > Newsletter and I think it would behoove us to discover what other work  
    > is being done to support NIMS and coordinate if needed or possible.
    > Ciao,
    > Rex
    > At 10:42 AM -0600 5/17/04, Carl Reed wrote:
    >> In case you have not seen this.
    >> Carl
    >> WASHINGTON – The Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency  
    >> Management Agency (FEMA) has developed two new resources for  
    >> emergency managers and first responders to enhance mutual aid systems  
    >> across the country and help emergency response networks operate more  
    >> effectively together.
    >> "President Bush, Secretary Ridge and I are committed to first  
    >> responders," said Michael D. Brown, Under Secretary of Homeland  
    >> Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response. "The development of  
    >> this common terminology for resources in emergency response  
    >> operations is necessary for effective mutual aid arrangements and  
    >> interoperability."
    >> The new resources include The National Mutual Aid Glossary of Terms  
    >> and Definitions, which provides terms for equipment, teams and  
    >> personnel used in disasters, and, Resource Typing Definitions – I,  
    >> which organizes equipment and teams by functional category and  
    >> 'types' them according to capability and/or capacity. Functional  
    >> categories by which the resources are organized, include Emergency  
    >> Management, Emergency Medical Systems, Fire/Hazardous Materials,  
    >> Health and Medical, Law Enforcement, Public Works, and Search and  
    >> Rescue.
    >> 'Resource Typing' is a term used by emergency managers and responders  
    >> to define the capabilities of a particular resource. For example, the  
    >> definition for an Urban Search and Rescue Team would specify the  
    >> numbers and kinds of professionals the team would require, the level  
    >> of training and certification they must have, the specific equipment  
    >> needed by the team, and the logistical requirements necessary to  
    >> maintain the team.
    >> Resource Typing Definitions – I covers an initial 60 resources; it is  
    >> anticipated that by the end of FY 2004, a total of 120 typed  
    >> resources will have been completed and released. The glossary and  
    >> resource typing definitions may be downloaded from the fema.gov  
    >> website at: www.fema.gov/preparedness/mutual_aid.shtm.
    >> The glossary and resource definitions are part of a Homeland Security  
    >> and FEMA initiative to support the new National Incident Management  
    >> System (NIMS), the nation's first standardized management plan that  
    >> creates a unified structure for federal, state, and local lines of  
    >> government for incident response.
    >> FEMA's resource typing initiative will provide states and local  
    >> jurisdictions with a basis to type, inventory, order, and track  
    >> federal, state, and local assets. This will ensure that equipment and  
    >> personnel deployed through NIMS are compatible with those of  
    >> neighboring jurisdictions that work together through mutual aid  
    >> agreements.
    >> On March 1, 2003, FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland  
    >> Security. FEMA's continuing mission within the new department is to  
    >> lead the effort to prepare the nation for all hazards and effectively  
    >> manage federal response and recovery efforts following any national  
    >> incident. FEMA also initiates proactive mitigation activities, trains  
    >> first responders, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program  
    >> and the U.S. Fire Administration.
    >> OGC: Helping the world to communicate geographically...
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    >> of addressee and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged  
    >> information. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying,  
    >> disclosure, dissemination or distribution is strictly prohibited. If  
    >> you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender   
    >> immediately by return email and delete this communication and destroy  
    >> all copies.
    > --
    > Rex Brooks
    > GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
    > W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
    > Email: rexb@starbourne.com
    > Tel: 510-849-2309
    > Fax: By Request
    > To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster  
    > of the OASIS TC), go to  
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