OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  Which coordinate system is used, when svg:viewBox is missing?

    Posted 03-24-2013 21:19
    Hello all, the element draw:enhanced-geometry (10.6.2, part 1 ODF1.2) has an optional attribute svg:viewBox. This attribute establishes a unit-less coordinate system. The values in the attribute draw:enhanced-path are used in this coordinate system and it is explicitly referred in the description of the enhanced geometry equation identifiers. So what coordinate system is to be used, if the attribute svg:viewBox is missing? For example consider these shapes: <draw:custom-shape svg:width="4cm" svg:height="2cm" svg:x="1cm" svg:y="1cm"> <draw:enhanced-geometry draw:type="non-primitive" draw:enhanced-path="M 0 16200 L 21600 0 14400 21600 Z N" /> </draw:custom-shape> <draw:custom-shape svg:width="4cm" svg:height="2cm" svg:x="1cm" svg:y="1cm"> <draw:enhanced-geometry draw:type="non-primitive" draw:enhanced-path="M -10000 6200 L 11600 -10000 4400 11600 Z N" /> </draw:custom-shape> <draw:custom-shape svg:width="4cm" svg:height="2cm" svg:x="1cm" svg:y="1cm"> <draw:enhanced-geometry draw:type="non-primitive" draw:enhanced-path="M 0 1620 L 2160 0 1440 2160 Z N" /> </draw:custom-shape> I cannot get from the spec how they should be rendered. Do I miss something about a user coordinate system in ODF1.2? This topic was already in the comment https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/opendocument-users/200601/msg00016.html . But I think, it was not solved in issue https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/OFFICE-1869 . I know, that AOO uses svg:viewBox="0 0 21600 21600" because that is needed for import and export of the predefined custom-shapes of OOXML and AOO uses it too for draw:type="non-primitive". But Calligra Stage renders them different for example. Kind regards Regina

  • 2.  Re: [office] Which coordinate system is used, when svg:viewBox is missing?

    Posted 03-25-2013 16:28
    Hello all, Regina Henschel schrieb: [..] For example consider these shapes: [..] Here is a file with the mentioned shapes. Please open it in the different applications to see the problems. Kind regards Regina Attachment: CustomShapeWithoutViewBox.odp Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation

  • 3.  Re: [office] Which coordinate system is used, when svg:viewBox is missing?

    Posted 03-25-2013 16:33
    On Monday 25 March 2013 17:27:20 Regina Henschel wrote: > Hello all, > > Regina Henschel schrieb: > [..] > > > For example consider these shapes: > [..] > > Here is a file with the mentioned shapes. Please open it in the > different applications to see the problems. > > Kind regards > Regina In Calligra slide 1 and 2 looks the same, and in slide 3 it's a bit outside to the left best regards Camilla

  • 4.  Re: [office] Which coordinate system is used, when svg:viewBox is missing?

    Posted 03-25-2013 17:22
    Hi all, in Apache OpenOffice the frame with the default glue-points is in all three cases as given by svg:width="4cm" svg:height="2cm" svg:x="1cm" svg:y="1cm". Triangle 2 is 1/10 of triangle 1 in the top-left corner of that frame. Triangle 3 is shift 1.86cm left and 0.93cm up, same size as triangle 1. Kind regards Regina C. Boemann schrieb: On Monday 25 March 2013 17:27:20 Regina Henschel wrote: Hello all, Regina Henschel schrieb: [..] For example consider these shapes: [..] Here is a file with the mentioned shapes. Please open it in the different applications to see the problems. Kind regards Regina In Calligra slide 1 and 2 looks the same, and in slide 3 it's a bit outside to the left best regards Camilla --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php

  • 5.  RE: [office] Which coordinate system is used, when svg:viewBox is missing?

    Posted 03-25-2013 18:16
    Regina, Thanks for the test document. The following applications open that document exactly the same way: * Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 (after going ahead when the document is found not to be ODF 1.1) * LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Windows 8 * Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 on Windows XP SP3 * Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 on Windows 8 * LibreOffice 4.0.1 on Windows XP SP3 Slide 1 is with a big almost-isosceles triangle near the upper left Slide 2 has that triangle rendered much smaller (and the geometry does not seem to be quite proportional to the large one) Slide 3 has that big triangle translated higher and to the left into the upper left corner, with the left-most apex ouside the left side of the frame (and clipped in the slideshow). - Dennis

  • 6.  Re: [office] Which coordinate system is used, when svg:viewBox is missing?

    Posted 03-25-2013 19:33
    Hi, Dennis E. Hamilton schrieb: Regina, Thanks for the test document. The following applications open that document exactly the same way: * Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 (after going ahead when the document is found not to be ODF 1.1) * LibreOffice 3.3.2 on Windows 8 * Apache OpenOffice 3.4.1 on Windows XP SP3 * Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 on Windows 8 * LibreOffice 4.0.1 on Windows XP SP3 Slide 1 is with a big almost-isosceles triangle near the upper left Slide 2 has that triangle rendered much smaller (and the geometry doesnot seem to be quite proportional to the large one) In Apache OpenOffice it is 1/10, but you need 3000% zoom to measure it. Slide 3 has that big triangle translated higher and to the left into the upper left corner, with the left-most apex ouside the left side of the frame (and clipped in the slideshow). They act as if svg:viewBox="0 0 21600 21600" was given. If Calligra had the same results, I would have suggest to specify, that this is the default in case the attribute svg:viewBox is missing. But because Calligra does it different, I have no simple proposal what to do. I think, that the attribute svg:viewBox cannot be really optional but need a default, because many values in the enhanced geometry are defined with reference to svg:viewBox. Kind regards Regina

  • 7.  RE: [office] Which coordinate system is used, when svg:viewBox is missing?

    Posted 03-25-2013 20:32
    Regina, I concur. There has to be svg:viewBox (default) because of the dependencies. Because it would break at least one implementation to specify the default now, it is not appropriate to handle this with an Errata for ODF 1.2. I think an OIC Advisory could be produced. My thought is that the advisory could recommend that svg:viewBox be present (not omitted) any time there is reliance on a feature that depends on the viewBox. Perhaps that could then be made a requirement for ODF 1.3. - Dennis

  • 8.  Re: [office] Which coordinate system is used, when svg:viewBox is missing?

    Posted 04-01-2013 17:45
    Hi all, I have created https://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/OFFICE-3824 to make it easier to track the problem. Kind regards Regina Dennis E. Hamilton schrieb: Regina, I concur. There has to be svg:viewBox (default) because of the dependencies. Because it would break at least one implementation to specify the default now, it is not appropriate to handle this with an Errata for ODF 1.2. I think an OIC Advisory could be produced. My thought is that the advisory could recommend that svg:viewBox be present (not omitted) any time there is reliance on a feature that depends on the viewBox. Perhaps that could then be made a requirement for ODF 1.3. - Dennis