OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

[ebxml-msg] Propasal to prevent ACK bundling

  • 1.  [ebxml-msg] Propasal to prevent ACK bundling

    Posted 12-04-2002 06:34
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: [ebxml-msg] Propasal to prevent ACK bundling

    A proposal was accepted during the last conference call to remove the
    ability to bundle acks with a unrelated response message.  The details of
    the proposal and its affect are below.  This is the final opportunity to
    comment as the cal voted to accept the changes described and they will be
    incorporated in future work unless objections are raised before the
    conference call on January 8th 2003.
    Detailed proposal
    1 - The errata document will state that The existing MessageData /
    RefToMessageId element MUST be identical the Acknowledgment / RefToMessageId
    element .
    2 - The errata document will contain a warning that the Acknowledgment /
    RefToMessageId element was being deprecated and was scheduled for removal in
    future releases.
    3 - Future versions will not support the feature.
    The implication:
    Currently it is permissible to send a message containing many acknowledgment
    messages for many different messages that do no have to be related in
    anyway. (This has been an implementation issues)  This proposal will remove
    this ability such that a message may contain only one acknowledgement and it
    must for the message that any associated response message is also included
    in this message package.
    For further details please review the messages in this list for the past
    months (the summary and formulation of the proposal starts in Doug Buntings
    e-mail of October 26) and the appropriate meeting minutes.
    Ian Jones
    Chair OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC 
    Tel:   +44 (0)29 2072 4063
    Fax:   +44 (0)29 2072 4137  
    Email: ian.c.jones@bt.com 

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