OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] PPW letter re CAP

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] PPW letter re CAP

    Posted 10-09-2003 09:34
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] PPW letter re CAP

    At 03:36 PM 10/8/2003 -0700, Art Botterell wrote:
    >We aren't talking about something that needs to cause a delay... this 
    >could be resolved very quickly by adding a single optional element to the 
    >spec, with requisite caveats and restrictions set forth in its 
    >definition.  The mechanism involved has already been tested and proven in 
    >a number of XML applications, and implementation could even be defined as 
    >optional for most implementers (those not contemplating connections via 
    >one-way data links).
    Art is exactly right here and I also think we have a precedent in
    the EM TC process we've been using.
    The CAP standard was silent about how to send a CAP message within
    any particular service. In testing, we found that interoperability
    demanded that we make a specific decision about the use of SOAP
    (the decision was to use message-style rather than RPC-style SOAP).
    If another vendor were to proceed as DMIS did and implement
    SOAP-encoded CAP, the TC would cite that decision in setting them
    straight. In effect, the TC has already standardized at least one
    service--CAP over SOAP.
    To my mind, the television folks are right where DMIS was. Just as
    DMIS made a choice on how to do CAP in their SOAP service, the TV
    folks need to make a choice about how to do CAP in their particular
    service. The EM TC did not leave DMIS hanging; it would not be fair
    to leave the TV folks hanging.
    I say the TV folks should demonstrate the interoperability of
    "CAP over TV" and the mechanism documented just as was done for
    "CAP over SOAP".

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