Hi Bret/all,
I appreciate the nomination and kind words. I’d be happy to serve as editor on one or more of the STIX specs, though to be honest I’m not sure what I’d be agreeing to do at this point since we don’t have the set of work products identified.
Are we assuming that STIX 2.0 will be one monolithic (or multi-part) work product and everyone identified would be an editor, or are we picking some kind of pool of editors now who will work on the various specs?
Sorry if there are obvious answers to these, I’ve just never done this before :)
(Obviously these are not questions for Bret but for the SC as a whole)
On Oct 22, 2015, at 7:44 PM, Jordan, Bret <
bret.jordan@BLUECOAT.COM > wrote:
I would like to nominate:
Terry MacDonald and John Wunder as the two editors for STIX. These two have consistently shown an ability to look at both sides of an issue. They are both level headed and really understand what we are trying to do. I also like how they are
both willing to drive things forward and understand issues up and down.
Terry has a lot of experience in the real world and consulting with massive CTI providers. He understands the need for the data model and has been a strong advocate for it, for a long time. Further, he has brilliant ideas. The whole relationship
object is his..
John Wunder is also amazing and I have the most upmost respect for him and his ideas. Further, John knows how to code, so he can help make sure we stay on the right path, that is a path that leads to a solution that can be easily implemented
in code.
Bret Jordan CISSP
Director of Security Architecture and Standards Office of the CTO
Blue Coat Systems
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