OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

Suggested Plan for Supporting Material and SBS deliverables

  • 1.  Suggested Plan for Supporting Material and SBS deliverables

    Posted 02-26-2006 02:02
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    Subject: Suggested Plan for Supporting Material and SBS deliverables

    At last week's TC meeting I was asked to come up with a plan of what 
    deliverables we would need to both co-ordinate the supporting material 
    from the Procurement and Transportation subcommitees and also satisfy 
    the requirements for SBS and ebBP models.
    I first identified 4 work items:
    * SBS profiles - spreadsheet models with SBS requirements marked
    * Business Process definitions - ebBP schemas
    * Use case definitions - worksheet format
    * Sample Instances of documents
    Plotting the current status of these  in each subcommitee, I get:
    * SBS profiles - Procurement = YES, Transportation = NO (we could extend 
    the SBS to include the seller as an consignor exporting the goods)
    * Business Process definitions - Procurement = YES, Transportation = NO 
    (following from the above we could add ebBP schemas for 'initiating 
    transport services')
    * Use case definitions - Procurement = NO (we could transpose the Danish 
    scenarios and SBS scope into worksheets), Transportation = YES
    * Sample Instances of documents - Procurement = ??? (SBS just posted and 
    Peter is working on others), Transportation = NO (waiting for completion 
    of worksheets)
    However while work is progressing in most areas we could try to connect 
    them by adopting a common scenario/case study.  In other words it would 
    be much more meaningful to have the supplier of the goods in the 
    instances to also be the consignor and the same items on the Order 
    becoming goods on the Waybill.  The process may look something like the 
    attached diagram.
    To avoid confusion it may be better to call this a "Sample Subset" 
    (although it would contain the SBS subset for procurement).
    This way we not only get a consistent set of deliverables but the 
    examples connect together.
    Any thoughts?
    tim mcgrath
    phone: +618 93352228  
    postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160
    DOCUMENT ENGINEERING: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business Informatics and Web Services

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