OASIS Emergency Management TC

Comment #30: Suggested Language

  • 1.  Comment #30: Suggested Language

    Posted 12-01-2003 15:12
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: Comment #30: Suggested Language

    I would suggest we add the following last line to Section 1.3. The complete 
    paragraph would read...
    1.3 Structure of the CAP Alert Message
    Each CAP Alert Message consists of an <alert> segment, which may contain one
    or more <info> segments, each of which may include one or more <area> 
    segments (see the document object model diagram in section 3.1, below). While
    the CAP XML Schema Definition (XSD) allows for a valid message to only 
    include <alert>, <identifier>, <sender>, <sent>, <status>, and <msgType>, 
    this type of message MUST only be used for message acknowledgements, 
    cancellations, or other system functions.

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