OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

[wsia] Agenda for tomorrow's joint interface telecon

  • 1.  [wsia] Agenda for tomorrow's joint interface telecon

    Posted 04-02-2002 02:18
    I've enclosed (for those who haven't seen them before) the latest working version of the WSIA Embedded use case, and set of UI abstractions that we discussed last week. This should be a good starting point for fleshing out the characteristics of the joint interface. We may wish to limit our initial discussions to the Embedded case as we're ramping up, before expanding the discussions to consider elements of the Customized case. Here's a rough outline of the work this group should focus on, additions and suggestions are of course welcome: 0. Embedded service/portlet lifecycle. Need to consider stateful(less)ness, session management, etc. What should be the lifecycle characteristics of an Embedded service, and more specifically, the lifecycle characteristics of the portal/portlet or container/portlet interaction? 1. Service adaptation mechanism. We need to determine if this is property-driven, parameter-driven, or both. In Friday's telecon, there was discussion around considering the parameter-driven mechanism for generic adaptations, while relying on properties to do producer-specific adaptation. This may also form the line of demarcation between the Embedded and Customized use cases. 1A. As a special case of service adaptation, how is URL rewriting to be handled? By the provider, the consumer, or both? URL "rewriter" specified by property, also need a convention to specify tokens for rewriting in the producer response. 2. Default set of generic properties. See section 7 in the Embedded document for the working set we've come up with so far. 3. Default set of common look and feel abstractions. This is the other attached document, a work-in-progress that lists the common abstractions (e.g. CSS classes) that group members have been working with in their own products. This list will need to be normalized once there are enough submissions. Question: is this set shared up the hierarchy of WSIA use cases? Talk to you tomorrow, 9am PST. Alan <<WSIA Embedded Use Case.DOC>> <<CSS classes_modified.doc>> Attachment: WSIA Embedded Use Case.DOC Description: MS-Word document Attachment: CSS classes_modified.doc Description: MS-Word document