OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

XLIFF wiki: Carol Geyer to attend our next call to discuss this

  • 1.  XLIFF wiki: Carol Geyer to attend our next call to discuss this

    Posted 02-12-2007 22:58
    Hello Everyone,
    Carol Geyer has a suggestion for us regarding our need for a wiki for the XLIFF TC.  She will attend our call (February 20) to discuss this with us.  You notice an item on our next agenda titled "Celebrity OASIS Guest, Carol Geyer: XML.org community site for XLIFF."
    She has recommended that we talk about having OASIS create an XML.org community site for XLIFF, along the lines of what they have for DITA (http://dita.xml.org) and OpenDocument (http://opendocument.xml.org).
    She says "an XLIFF XML.org site would be a great way to promote the work of the TC as well as XLIFF products, services, implementations, etc. It offers an excellent mechanism for building and sustaining a community-of-support for XLIFF."
    Carol recommends that you review the DITA and OpenDocument sites to get a better idea of what is possible. You may also want to see:
    (Please note: the content on these pages is accurate, but the framework
    at this site is still under construction; many of the links contained on these
    pages are not yet functional.)
    Talk to you next week,