OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

Editorial: Improve example of placeholders in message strings

  • 1.  Editorial: Improve example of placeholders in message strings

    Posted 05-08-2018 18:26
    At editorial discretion, I made some improvements suggested by Michael in the spec’s example of message string placeholders ( { n } ) .   In Issue #156 (“Improve example of messages with placeholders and consider putting it in a more prominent location”), Michael noted that the example was not where he expected it to be (in the section about placeholders). Instead, it was in the section on result constraints. Michael also suggested a couple of improvements to the example.   In response, I noted that the example in the “constraints” section needed to stay there, because it illustrated the constraint. But I added a similar, simpler example in the section on placeholders, and I made Michael’s suggested changes to both examples.   I made the changes in the provisional draft. You can see the change bars in   Documents/ChangeDrafts/Accepted/sarif-v2.0-editorial-156-improve-placeholder-example.docx   Thanks, Larry