Title: XACML Conference Call Minutes XACML Conference Call Date: Thursday, July 11, 2002 Time: 10:00 AM EDT Tel: 512-225-3050 Access Code: 65998 Summary Review of action items, schema progress and discussion of next face to face as well as scheduling. Schema has decided to define functions in tables and may have an interchange format to create schema of functions. Datatypes will be defined as URIs . The issue of scheduling was discussed. There is some concern over the process SAML is facing with errata. The consensus is to still push for Sept 1 submission with implementations and open review period during August. There will be an adhoc schema subcommittee meeting Friday 7/12 from 10-12 Eastern in addition to next Monday's call. Also expect an extra meeting again at the end of next week. Action Items Anne to begin work on non-normative examples of policy signatures without Ernesto. Tim to release v15 of spec week of 7/15 Tim - first draft of Access Control background due 7/19. All to review Tim's list of nine areas and if aware of any background material that can collect up and comment on, send it to Tim Set new due date for XACML primer from Hal and Konstantin. To start no later than v15 publish date (week of 7/15) Hal to propose something for section 7 of spec by Friday (7/12) to Bill who is authoring section 7 (identifiers) Daniel to post his interchange format proposal before 7/15 meeting Carlisle to ping Karl Best again on IBM IP Issues Anne to begin work on Conformance Test Cases All to review Issues List 8 and send resolution of closed issues not reflected in list to Ken. Action Items on Hold Resolve IP issues with IBM. On hold waiting on OASIS to discuss IP issues with IBM in 1 to 1 ½ weeks. Anne to go over request context with Eve Maler to see which parts make sense to fold into SAML after finalizing of SAML issue list. On hold, waiting for context issues to be resolved. Response from ContentGuard regarding IP claims and XACML Votes Motion to approve minutes of June 27 approved
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xacml/200206/msg00114.html Proposed Agenda: 10:00-10:05 Roll Call and Agenda Review 10:05-10:10 Vote to accept minutes of June 27 conference call
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xacml/200206/msg00114.html 10:10-10:15 Review of Action Items (see 6/27 minutes) 10:15-10:30 Schema subcommittee (Anne) 10:30-10:40 Next F2F discussion: date, place, agenda ( Carlisle ) 10:40-11:00 Any other business Roll Call Simon Godik , Self Ken Yagen, Crosslogix Daniel Engovatov , Crosslogix Hal Lockhart, Entegrity Carlisle Adams , Entrust Tim Moses, Entrust Don Flinn , Hitachi Michiharu Kudoh, IBM Bill Parducci , Self Polar Humenn , Self Sekhar Vajjhala , Sun Microsystems Anne Anderson, Sun Microsystems Gerald Brose, Xtradyne Raw Minutes (taken by Ken Yagen) Motion to approve minutes of June 27 approved
http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xacml/200206/msg00114.html 10:10 Action Items reviewed Ernesto to send to Anne non-normative examples of policy signatures after exams complete. Anne will go ahead and start without Ernesto Ken to send out updated issues list in next week. Done Anne to put together single, concise example by 7/11 Done Carlisle/Tim to release new schema by Mon/Tues of next week (7/2) Done (v15f) Tim to release v15 of spec by 7/12 On hold until next week Tim - first draft of Access Control background due 7/19. Will send out nine points to list first. Due next week. Some text and reference have been sent in Anne and Michiharu to send reference material to Tim Done All to review Tim's list of nine areas and if aware of any background material that can collect up and comment on, send it to Tim Please provide background material under any of these areas to Tim Set new due date for XACML primer from Hal and Konstantin. To start no later than 7/12 (v15 publish date) Konstantin has started something Hal to propose something for section 6 of spec early in week of 7/8 so that it can be incorporated into v15. Now section 7 of the spec. Hope to get it to Tim by tomorrow. Bill has taken on leadership for XACML identifiers, so send contribution to him. Daniel to post his proposal for typing to list by Friday 6/28 Done. Daniel does need to add one part in light of Schema subcommittee discussion. Need to write up interchange schema proposal. Will send out before Monday call. Don to send out logistic details for F2F Done. Hitachi block of rooms are now available. Logistics have been posted to the list. Ken to concatenate minutes from F2F and post to list (with Michiharu's amendment on advice) Done Carlisle to contact Ernesto and Pierangela regarding their level of participation in the committee Sent note and first several bounced. Ken also sent warning of membership lapse and also have not responded. If anyone has a way to contact them, please try. Sidenote - no academic participation is an issue in Rights Language TC. Tim to Post MathML schema conversion. Done. Some discussion last Monday Action Items on Hold Resolve IP issues with IBM. On hold waiting on OASIS to discuss IP issues with IBM in 1 to 1 ½ weeks. No new information from Karl. Carlisle will check back with him on progress. Anne to go over request context with Eve Maler to see which parts make sense to fold into SAML after finalizing of SAML issue list. On hold, waiting for context issues to be resolved. Any other action items: Hal - Were we waiting word from ContentGuard whether they have an IP claim in relation to XACML . Carlisle - Few weeks ago said they were still looking at it. Not expecting a response. Hal - If cannot come up with difference Rights Language and Access Control, membership in OASIS requires them to make a statement regarding IP. Schema Subcommittee Report (Anne) Discussed issue of how functions and predicates are declared. Decided having schema is useful, but doesn't change way the basic XACML PDP has to be built and structured. Going to define functions in tables and important for PDP to know the types of arguments to the functions and return values. Datatypes specified through a URI. Intend in the future to define a schema for an XML interchange format and Daniel has proposed a draft. May not be in scope of XACML 1.0. Then can define mapping from table to function. Element name could be function name or generic function element. For 15 generic. When domain defines custom function, need to be spelled out in table and URIs for datatypes need to be specified and created if don't already exist. Condition in a rule requires to return a Boolean. Subset of XPATH function still in discussion. Still discussing small bits of schema that need resolution, but not major conceptual issues. Tim - Do we want to have an adhoc schema meeting Friday afternoon or wait until Monday? Plan for Friday at 10-12 Eastern. Tim will sent out short list of topics late today. People should review schema before tomorrow. Face to Face Goal - Complete specification Possible to finish by August 1 st . Ken - open review process? Carlisle - Could open for comments for 2-3 weeks in August. Have concern with what is happening in SAML right now. Now in OASIS public review. During this time, people in SAML continue reviewing spec and during implementation, have found various errata. Question about whether those changes can be incorporated into spec and probably can't and will have to be incorporated into 1.1 spec . Two possibilities - work through OASIS or on Sept 1 don't submit, but use extra 3 months to examine spec and fix up any errata. Bill - prefer not to postpone, maybe propose a beta spec? Ken - during implementation may come up with issues. Will we be able to perform any interop testing? Ken - I would like to see some external comments before submission. Anne - in reviews at sun have asked for guidance for implementation and explanation of specification. SAML issues are issues that are less than optimal, not broken. Relate to extending SAML or some times of XML processing. Conformance Anne - volunteered at f2f to come up with Conformance test cases. Waiting to complete J2SE examples first. Is next priority. Will consist of input context, policy context and output context. Issues list - please look through and review and let Ken know so he can update the issues list. Motion to adjourn