OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

Re: [xacml] Minutes from Glossary Telecon September 28

  • 1.  Re: [xacml] Minutes from Glossary Telecon September 28

    Posted 10-17-2001 13:31
    > Target:  more general than "resource"; all the information used to find
    > which policy (or policies) apply to this request (e.g., resource and action
    > at least, but perhaps other information as well).  The collection of inputs
    > to a PRP.  [There was some discussion as to whether or not this was an
    > intuitive term to use, but some term (without a lot of other semantic
    > baggage) would be helpful in order to capture this notion.]
    if used as a noun (above), i would think that the term TARGET would be
    used to specifcally define that entity (or entities) that the requester
    was attempting to gain access to. if a verb, then i think a more
    appropriate term for "[the process of finding] all the information used
    to find which policy (or policies) apply to this request" would be
    DISCOVERY -- it would be less confusing. is there baggage with
    'discovery' that anyone can think of?