Hi Jane and David,
I have put together a zip file, which contains the press release plus
the reference documents that David and Mike gave to me. I also updated
the XACML TC main page to include information about the HIMSS Interop,
which includes a link to the zip file, and a ref to the XSPA TC:
If further materials (for example on the London Interop) become
available, we can update the zip file with them, possibly with a
separate zip for London, if appropriate.
Based on the scope of the HIMSS demo, I thought that it was better not
to characterize that as explicitly a XACML Interop, because the emphasis
I believe included SAML, WS-Trust, HITSP TP 20/30, as well as the XSPA
Let me know if everything looks ok, and/or if there are any changes you
would like me to make.
Jane Harnad wrote:
> Hi Everyone - the press release may be found at:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/news/oasis-news-2009-04-04.php or
> http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/template.NDM/news/tradeshow/?ja
> vax.portlet.tpst=022a76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_ws_MX&javax.portlet.prp_02
> 2a76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_viewID=news_view_popup&javax.portlet.prp_022a
> 76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_newsLang=en&javax.portlet.prp_022a76fa06ba79ce1
> e53afda5dd260fb_ndmHsc=v2*A1192964400000*B1240363585000*DgroupByDate*G3*J2*M
> 52208*N1014380&javax.portlet.prp_022a76fa06ba79ce1e53afda5dd260fb_newsId=200
> 90404005007&beanID=1963892417&viewID=news_view_popup&javax.portlet.begCacheT
> ok=com.vignette.cachetoken&javax.portlet.endCacheTok=com.vignette.cachetoken
> Anil - who from the TC should we work with to get this information on the TC
> homepage? Please let me know. Thanks, Jane
> _____
> From: Staggs, David (SAIC) [mailto:David.Staggs@va.gov]
> Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 11:27 AM
> To: Rich.Levinson; xacml; Jane Harnad; Dee Schur
> Cc: Davis, John M.
> Subject: materials on the 3rd XACML Interop and HIMSS conference
> Rich
> I'm still collecting materials on the 3rd XACML Interop in October.
> Attached are the materials distributed at the HIMSS conference. I
> appreciate you taking the time to make them available on the XACML TC page.
> Jane may have some additional press releases too.
> Regards
> David
> David Staggs, JD, CISSP (SAIC)
> Veterans Health Administration
> Chief Health Informatics Office
> Emerging Health Technologies
> Office: 858 433 1473
> _____
> Thanks Rich, I was hoping for some help on this. I'll gather the materials
> and send them to you.
> Regards
> David
> David Staggs, JD, CISSP (SAIC)
> Veterans Health Administration
> Chief Health Informatics Office
> Emerging Health Technologies
Original Message-----
> From: Rich.Levinson [mailto:rich.levinson@oracle.com]
> Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 9:27 AM
> To: Staggs, David (SAIC)
> Subject: Question on 3rd xacml interop
> Hi David,
> When looking over the main page of the XACML TC site:
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=xacml
> I realized that I have not yet included anything on the 3rd XACML Interop in
> October (and 4th at HIMSS?), which I think would be very useful to have on
> the page.
> So, in particular, (I'm asking to save myself the time of hunting this info
> down and still possibly missing latest versions or whatever) was there an
> Interop doc for these events, which has either been or could be posted, and
> are there any other useful informatory materials that could be included in a
> zip file for those interops as we did for the 2nd Interop?
> http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=28030