OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  use cases for "is-subtable" attribute

    Posted 07-09-2007 12:30
    Dear TC members,
    from my point of view the main use case for the "is-subtable" attribute 
    is the case, when a certain table cell inside a regular table is splitted.
    Think of a table consisting of two columns and 100 rows. If the user - 
    for whatever purpose - splits a certain table cell of such a table 
    vertically, it is in my eyes more sensible to reflect this split by a 
    nested table with "is-subtable" attribute set. In my eyes the user 
    doesn't intend to add another column to the table and set the col-span 
    of 99 table cell from 1 to 2.
    As Andreas J. Guelzow in his mail - see 
    http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/office/200706/msg00115.html - already 
    pointed out, the tranformation from a table containing a nested table 
    with "is-subtable" attribute set to a table build up using row-span and 
    col-span can be very 'painful'.
    Regards, Oliver.
    Sun Microsystems GmbH    Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
    Nagelsweg 55             Software Engineer - StarOffice/OpenOffice.org
    20097 Hamburg
    http://www.sun.de        mailto:oliver-rainer.wittmann@sun.com
          Sitz der Gesellschaft: Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1,
                       D-85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
                     Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
          Geschaeftsfuehrer: Wolfgang Engels, Dr. Roland Boemer
             Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Haering

  • 2.  Re: [office] use cases for "is-subtable" attribute

    Posted 07-09-2007 13:35
    On 09/07/07, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems
    > Think of a table consisting of two columns and 100 rows. If the user -
    > for whatever purpose - splits a certain table cell of such a table
    > vertically, it is in my eyes more sensible to reflect this split by a
    > nested table with "is-subtable" attribute set. In my eyes the user
    > doesn't intend to add another column to the table and set the col-span
    > of 99 table cell from 1 to 2.
    What if your eyes were a problem to you?
    If you were using access technology, and ODF said, it's a 'is-subtable' case,
    so Oliver can't read it. No problem.
    I think perhaps you would object.
    If the visual presentation is as the author wants, and people using
    access technology
    can access the content, then why use a technology solution that only works
    for some people?
    I don't think ODF should discriminate Oliver. Do you?
    Dave Pawson

  • 3.  Re: [office] use cases for "is-subtable" attribute

    Posted 07-09-2007 14:16
    Hi Dave,
    Could you elaborate a bit more on the reasons why a nested table is a
    problem for access technology? From my (naive) point of view, it would
    appear somewhat more confusing to navigate a lot of spanned cells rather
    than entering a subtable.
    For instance,
    A1  C1   D1
    A2  C2   D2
    A3 B3 C3 D3
    seems more confusing than
    A1      B1     C1
    A2      B2     C2
    A3 B3.A1 B3.B1 C3
    ... because the latter example gives you the context information so you
    don't lose the subtable semantics. Especially if there are more than
    just 3 columns (see Andreas' example).
    It would be much appreciated if you could explain the reasons for the
    first representation _always_ being preferable to the second.
    Oh, and please don't suggest that we want to discriminate just because
    we discuss different options in order to find a good solution. This kind
    of polarization isn't helping at all. Thanks.
    Dave Pawson wrote:
    > If the visual presentation is as the author wants, and people using
    > access technology
    > can access the content, then why use a technology solution that only works
    > for some people?
    > I don't think ODF should discriminate Oliver. Do you?
    Sun Microsystems                Lars Oppermann 

  • 4.  Re: [office] use cases for "is-subtable" attribute

    Posted 07-09-2007 17:23
    On 09/07/07, Lars Oppermann 

  • 5.  Re: [office] use cases for "is-subtable" attribute

    Posted 07-09-2007 17:23
    On 09/07/07, Lars Oppermann 

  • 6.  Re: [office] use cases for "is-subtable" attribute

    Posted 07-09-2007 18:22
    On Mon, 2007-09-07 at 18:23 +0100, Dave Pawson wrote:
    > On 09/07/07, Lars Oppermann 

  • 7.  Re: [office-accessibility] Re: [office] use cases for "is-subtable" attribute

    Posted 07-09-2007 22:42

  • 8.  Re: [office] Re: [office-accessibility] Re: [office] use cases for"is-subtable" attribute

    Posted 07-10-2007 01:29
    On Mon, 2007-09-07 at 17:41 -0500, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
    > Lars,
    > The bottom line is a blind user is navigating a spreadsheet and when
    > you drop in a subtable the reference to the cells does not match the
    > underlying header. Blind users use the grid structure and headings to
    > maintain a point of reference. When that is not consistent the user
    > gets lost. We ran into this problem working with freedom scientific
    > and our ODF 1.1 support by the Notes 8 Productivity Editors. The JAWS
    > developer, who is blind, got lost and asked that we correct the
    > issue. 
    > Please see section 3.3 of this document. It is pretty self
    > explanatory. Here you will see the use .B2.B1 under a row header of
    > C1. The user is lost.
    If this is a problem, then the right solution is for the _interface_ to
    fix the numbering however is appropriate. 
    On the other hand if you drop into a cell that is part of an array
    formula in a spread sheet (say the right cell of a pair of cells
    containing the result of a LINEST calculation), it is very useful to
    know that one is inside an array result, specifically in which cell of
    that array one is located. A blind user should probably be warned by the
    interface in those circumstances that one is entering a subtable. In
    fact every user shoud probably be advised of that fact. Most interfaces
    currently let the user guess which cell area makes up the subtable. OOo
    for example doesn't even indicate anywhere in which cell of the array
    one is currently located.
    "Liberty consists less in acting according to
    one's own pleasure, than in not being subject 
    to the will and pleasure of other people. It 
    consists also in our not subjecting the wills 
    of other people to our own."  Rousseau
    Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Guelzow
    Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
    Concordia University College of Alberta

  • 9.  Re: [office-accessibility] Re: [office] use cases for "is-subtable" attribute

    Posted 07-09-2007 22:42
      |   view attached

  • 10.  Re: [office] use cases for "is-subtable" attribute

    Posted 07-09-2007 18:16
    On Mon, 2007-09-07 at 16:15 +0200, Lars Oppermann wrote:
    > Hi Dave,
    > Could you elaborate a bit more on the reasons why a nested table is a
    > problem for access technology? From my (naive) point of view, it would
    > appear somewhat more confusing to navigate a lot of spanned cells rather
    > than entering a subtable.
    > For instance,
    > A1  C1   D1
    > A2  C2   D2
    > A3 B3 C3 D3
    > seems more confusing than
    > A1      B1     C1
    > A2      B2     C2
    > A3 B3.A1 B3.B1 C3
    > ... because the latter example gives you the context information so you
    > don't lose the subtable semantics. Especially if there are more than
    > just 3 columns (see Andreas' example).
    > It would be much appreciated if you could explain the reasons for the
    > first representation _always_ being preferable to the second.
    I think we should also point out that the implementation specific
    display of split cells in OO creates more problems: If one splits B2
    vertically, then moving down from C1 one moves to cells C1->D2->C3->...
    That will confuse everybody. But of course the implementation specific
    display has little to do with the file format specific storage, which in
    my mind should preserve context.
    Andreas J. Guelzow, Professor
    Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
    Concordia University College of Alberta

  • 11.  Re: [office] use cases for "is-subtable" attribute

    Posted 07-12-2007 10:32
    On Monday 09 July 2007 14:30:01 Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software 
    Engineer - Sun Microsystems wrote:
    > Dear TC members,
    > from my point of view the main use case for the "is-subtable" attribute
    > is the case, when a certain table cell inside a regular table is
    > splitted.
    > Think of a table consisting of two columns and 100 rows. If the user -
    > for whatever purpose - splits a certain table cell of such a table
    > vertically, it is in my eyes more sensible to reflect this split by a
    > nested table with "is-subtable" attribute set. In my eyes the user
    > doesn't intend to add another column to the table and set the col-span
    > of 99 table cell from 1 to 2.
    First of all; the user doesn't notice this col-span thing. But he *does* 
    notice the sub-table being created as it behaves slightly different, 
    especially with regards to cell borders and a11y.
    In light of that concept I'm not sure I agree to your assertion. I think 
    that if you ask 100 users that you show the resulting document if they 
    like the effects of one better than the other, they will not care there 
    are 99 rows with a cell that spans 2 columns.
    Or, in other words, the internal data-representation of colspans are 
    completely irrelevant to users as that is not going to be visible to them 
    anyway.  As we can see from KWord1.x and html editing applications like 
    Dreamweaver. Which do the colspan thing.
    > As Andreas J. Guelzow in his mail - see
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/office/200706/msg00115.html -
    > already pointed out, the tranformation from a table containing a nested
    > table with "is-subtable" attribute set to a table build up using
    > row-span and col-span can be very 'painful'.
    Naturally, but this is a different thing. Convertion v.s. not creating 
    this state in the first place.
    Lets be clear;
    a) The user action of splitting a cell *can* be completely implemented by 
    the ODF-implementation to do col-span / row-span.  And the effect is a 
    table that is better for accessibility and give better compatibility with 
    other word processors.  The latter because things like borders are rather 
    weird and cumbersome to apply and render when using a subtable. Html 
    can't do it, for example. How about MSWord?
    b) I heard there are valid use-cases for a sub-table (Sudoku!). It doesn't 
    have to go away.
    So, in the end, any application that aims to be interoperable and friendly 
    for accessibility should do splitting of cells based on cell-spanning.
    Thomas Zander