OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC


  • 1.  [xliff] [Fwd: FW: OASIS e-GOV TECHNICAL COMMITTEE]

    Posted 11-11-2002 12:50
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: [xliff] [Fwd: FW: OASIS e-GOV TECHNICAL COMMITTEE]

    All those interested in this please feel free to submit your request for
    membership to this new TC.
    We will briefly discuss at the next XLIFF teleconference if it may make sense to
    have any sort of formal liason relationship with this TC.
    Patrick Gannon wrote:
    > Tony,
    > Please review the attached draft work programme for the new e-Gov TC.  Note
    > specifically work item #6, Language Translation.
    > Please forward this email to the XLIFF TC and invite any interested parties
    > to join the e-Gov TC, and/or attend the first meeting on Dec. 13th in
    > Baltimore, MD.
    > I have also attached the original Call for Participation.
    > Patrick Gannon
    > President & CEO
    > OASIS
    > PO Box 455, Billerica, MA  01821
    > +1-978-667-5115 x201 (Office)
    > +1-408-242-1018  (Mobile)
    > +1-978-667-5114  (Fax)
    > patrick.gannon@oasis-open.org
    > http://www.oasis-open.org
    > http://www.xml.org
    > http://xml.coverpages.org/
    > http://www.ebxml.org
    > http://www.legalxml.org
    > http://www.uddi.org