OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

Call for Dissent re csprd03 229

  • 1.  Call for Dissent re csprd03 229

    Posted 03-13-2014 20:37
    Hi all, I removed the example as suggested by Bryan. This will be printed and submitted to SVN later today I will consider the above approved by the TC unless I hear dissent by Monday, March 17, end of day PDT. Best regards dF Dr. David Filip ======================= LRC CNGL LT-Web CSIS University of Limerick, Ireland telephone: +353-6120-2781 cellphone: +353-86-0222-158 facsimile: +353-6120-2734 http://www.cngl.ie/profile/?i=452 mailto: david.filip@ul.ie