OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  Groups - TEPdictionaryv2 1.xls uploaded

    Posted 06-10-2010 03:14
    Dictionary submitted as part of the Tracking of Emergency Patient (TEP)
    requirements handoff from the EIC.
     -- Mrs. Elysa Jones
    The document named TEPdictionaryv2 1.xls has been submitted by Mrs. Elysa
    Jones to the OASIS Emergency Management TC document repository.
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    -OASIS Open Administration

  • 2.  Re: [emergency] Groups - TEPdictionaryv2 1.xls uploaded

    Posted 06-10-2010 18:59
    Hi -
    I have been quiet for a while :-) So, jumping back in with both feet.
    Scanning the spreadsheet and checking out items such as Contact and Incident 
    Location and COuntry, I would really encourage this group to look at the 
    work done in the IETF and NENA for Next Generation 911. Would be nice to use 
    the same encodings, terms and definitions, and so forth. These two groups 
    along with the OGC have spent years working on various location elements for 
    standards for use in the EM community. A number of these are now mandatory 
    to implement in the i3 NG 911 architecture.
    Check out:
     http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/geopriv/ for a list of IETF location related 
    RFCs and in progress documents. Please note, for example, that CISCO has 
    already implemented the DHCP location conveyance option in their new 
    generation routers.
    While a binary encoding, the geometry content model is consistent with ISO 
    19107 and GML. There are tools for mapping the DHCP location encoding into 
    A bit harder to get to the NENA documents as you need to be a registered 
    NENA use. That said, NENA NG 911 is using the Location Object as defined by 
    the IETF. They are also using vcard for contact information.
    Any questions, please let me know.