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Groups - XLIFF TC Telelconference added

  • 1.  Groups - XLIFF TC Telelconference added

    Posted 08-16-2010 03:03
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  • 2.  XLIFF TC Telelconference - Summary

    Posted 08-17-2010 16:17
    XLIFF TC Teleconference - Summary
    Date:  Tuesday, 17 August 2010
    Time:  11:00am - 12:00pm ET
    === 1/ Roll call
    Present: Asgeir, Doug, Arle, Rodolfo, David, Bryan, Yves, Christian
    Regrets: Lucia
    === 2/ Approve Tuesday, 3 August 2010 meeting minutes:
    Bryan moves to accept the minutes
    Arle seconds
    No dissent
    === 3.1. Updates on the 1st International XLIFF Symposium
    Christian: panel for modular/minimal XLIFF
    Idea to share: try to take a step forward, get ideas.
    Straw-man proposal could drive the panel. E.g. list of modules
    Maybe panel could generate list of proposals for the TC
    Rodolfo: good idea, better with start with short minimal list of elements, get participants to be active too.
    Christian: panelists would be the main speakers, but sounds like good idea.
    Rodolfo: need to start soon.
    e.g. all bin-related elements should go into a different module, etc.
    Christian: yes, good example
    Asgeir: good approach, will relate to my presentation too. Maybe we can prepare this off-line before
    Christian: yes, need to harmonize
    David: yes, that the goal
    2 more persons in the panel (Stefan Pries, Friedel Wolf)
    Bryan: suggestion: maybe we could also remove some attributes for the minimal list
    Rodolfo: maybe a draft could be done.
    Yves: good idea
    Bryan: minimal/modular different but related
    Christian: relationship exists (core module = minimal)
    Bryan: helps for conformance requirements too
    Christian: please send me input as needed.
    Maybe survey after the panel too
    Bryan: webinars for panel(s)
    Alas the request felt through the cracks because of email problems, OASIS persons not available, and it may be difficult to coordinate
    Looking more and more impractical
    Maybe a repeat performance of the panel(s) later
    Yves: "repeat" of a panel not very doable (it's not a presentation)
    Asgeir: maybe LRC will record it, so it may be something we could just play back
    Rodolfo: laptops probably used during the panel: GoToMeeting can record it
    We did this for the other webinars
    Bryan: yes we did this
    Rodolfo: we can post this and get comments back
    Bryan: need to keep thinking about doing webinars, may help in the future to get people voting during ballot
    === 3.2. Details of our face to face meeting
    "Outreach" meeting vs normal face-to-face.
    Rodolfo: what about the next day?
    Asgeir: that's the first day of the LRC conference
    Rodolfo: for the ones not attending the LRC conference maybe
    Christian, Bryan: just the symposium for me
    Rodolfo: TC working meeting for the next day
    Asgeir: could be the evening before is another option
    Bryan: no sure about meeting room
    Rodolfo: dinner with XLIFF discussion
    David: like the day before too. We should decide with doodle, off-line
    Can work things out with Lucia and Dimitra
    === 3.3. Move our spec into Docbook (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201007/msg00009.html)
    a. Filter current spec into Docbook (Bryan)
    --> Not done yet
    b. Share in SVN (Bryan, Rodolfo)
    --> nothing started yet, will start soon
    === 3.4. Best Practice for dependent files 
    Doug started the discussion
    See the note posted
    Rodolfo: would every one agree to separate the binary stuff to resolve problem like the one Doug had?
    Asgeir: probably worth some more thoughts
    Rodolfo: just to get a feel?
    Asgeir, Bryan: gut feel is yes
    Doug: IMO, binary is not core and can be modularized
    === 4/ XLIFF Inline text SC report
    Yves: progressing on the requirements, about 6 left
    Rodolfo: we will have probably elements, would we use a different namespace?
    Would not like that. Only XLIFF elements in source and target are better
    Asgeir: agree, but we'll see that on implementation
    Bryan: same here, namespace can be challenging
    We need to think about sharing with TMX as well
    Rodolfo: names/semantic could be the same
    Asgeir: topic of the SC
    Yves: yes
    === 5/ Charter
    The current charter: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xliff/charter.php
    Bryan: had an action item to explore the impact. The discoveries are here:
    Our charter is out of date
    Other things missing: No audience, language, not really IPR mode either
    No need for all deliverables (like representation guides)
    Re-chartering vs Charter clarification.
    Both require a special majority vote
    Bryan's opinion: our current charter to enough out-of-date to justify a re-chartering
    Maybe we can do it once first, then fine-tune it after requirements are all in (clarification)
    Rodolfo: yes, out-of-date, but no need for re-chartering
    The problem is the same, the manner is different. Same purpose, different means
    Re-chartering/clarifying all the time is not good.
    We can just clarify.
    Doug: IMO, we are just updating the charter, but not rechartering. A clarification should be fine.
    David: but they are speaking about scope, and that is changing.
    Bryan: a special majority is simply that Mary run the ballot and votes come from TC members only, and with a special percentage.
    David: then it's not too bad, maybe then re-chartering then clarifying would be fine
    I think scope is changing so it's re-chartering
    Rodolfo: deliverables don't count for the scope
    The problem (scope) is the same
    The solutions are the deliverables
    Bryan: we are at the top of the hour.
    ACTION ITEM: TC members to look at the current charter and determine if its scope reflect our real scope
    And think if it needs re-chartering or not
    By email if needed
    Rodolfo: I think the scope is the same.
    Bryan: still need to complete the different "fields" (IPR, etc.)
    And decide if we are expanding the scope in any way
    Removing parts would be clarification
    Conformances aspects: not sure if it expands the scope or not
    David: that would be clarification (new OASIS requirement)
    Bryan: we can just re-write it and see afterward if it is a re-chartering or clarification
    === 9/ New Business
    --meeting adjourned