OASIS Emergency Management TC

Re: [emergency] Identity and Authority ( was RE: CAP Visualization...)

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] Identity and Authority ( was RE: CAP Visualization...)

    Posted 06-09-2004 17:39
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    Subject: Re: [emergency] Identity and Authority ( was RE: CAP Visualization...)

    I certainly don't mind. I'm overdue for a dunking in the security 
    specifications pool. It's gonna havta wait till at least next Monday, 
    though. My plate is overflowing. So much so, in fact that I am not 
    gonna get my treasured grant proposals out on time. sigh. I'll live, 
    but I have to do better at this.
    At 11:14 AM -0600 6/9/04, Carl Reed wrote:
    >Hope you do jot mind my opening this dialogue up again :-) A couple of
    >thoughts on work being done by other standards/specifications organizations
    >that could be used to address (solve?) the issue of identity and authority.
    >In late May, I attended a seminar on DRM (Digital Rights Management). There
    >was much discussion on Rights Expression Languages. Rights expression
    >languages (RELs) are emerging in the information community that support
    >different aspects of the digital access environment -- licensing, payments,
    >web material, use control, access, etc. One such language is Open Digital
    >Rights Language (ODRL). ODRL is a general-purpose language that allows, but
    >does not require, some actionable control over resource use. It was designed
    >as an open standard for industry and community use.
    >The other place to is the Geography and Privacy (GeoPriv) working group of
    >the IETF. The mission of this WG is to define encoding rules for privacy and
    >authority. Any location payload, such as a CAP message, would be "wrapped"
    >the a GeoPriv privacy encoding capsule. The intent is to provide protection
    >from unauthorized access and use of location information as it pertains to