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New release of Akoma Ntoso 3.0 (21 June 2021)

  • 1.  New release of Akoma Ntoso 3.0 (21 June 2021)

    Posted 06-21-2021 20:41
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    Hello. Long time no see! Please find attached the new release of Akoma Ntoso, dated 21 June 2021. This is the first release of the XML Schema for Akoma Ntoso since its formal approval by Oasis in version 3.0. This is a Tentative Version for internal use and testing only. Only changes to the schema were performed, and none to the documentation. As per the decision of the Technical Committee, there is no change in the namespace, but a new attribute to the root element akomaNtoso, @version, has been added with a fixed value of "3.1" to indicate the minimum version of the schema to be used for validating documents. In the following, the numbers in the square brackets correspond to the item number in the internal discussion list of the Technical Committee. Ciao Fabio -- --------------- Implemented --------------- Crossheading - Allow <crossheading> inside of <tblock>, not in <blockList> [1] - Allow crossheading everywhere heading is allowed [11] - "add it everywhere you can have an hcontainer" [44] <-- I hope I understood this right - Add in recital / citation [45] - Move into ANHier [51] Heading - include <heading> in the pattern of <preface><preamble><conclusions> [2] New hcontainers - <mediaContainer> [4] [12] - <schedule> <subschedule> [14] [31] - <regulation> [32] - <noteSection> [33] - <annex> <appendix> [comment to 14] <-- Not approved ??? New inlines - <foreignText> [5] [20] that allows anything as long as it comes from a different namespace, and expressly forbid in the documentation to place multilne content or in general content that breaks the block - <tocNum><tocHeading> <tocPointer type="page provision" href="#id"> inside <tocItem> [52] New containers - <court> in judgments [42] <-- Not sure this is what you asked. Attributes - Make the attributes "startQuote" and "endQuote" (and "inlineQuote") available for <def><term> [7][28][35] - @from in rref should be anyURI [21] <- ?? It already is - Add @name to <tblock> and <blockcontainer> [39] - Allow gYear in @date [48] Tables - Make <td> <th> a subflow element [9], [19] [37] - Add all remaining HTML elements for tables [36] <-- I do not remember discussing attributes (@border, @width, @cellpadding, @cellspacing), but elements inside tables: caption, col, colgroup, tbody, thead, tfoot. I disagree with adding the attributes, as they are deprecated in HTML too. --------------- Not implemented --------------- Unclear ------- Subflow: Allow in subflow every container, hcontainer, block [23] No action --------- [3], [6], [8], [15], [16], [17], [26], [27], [38], [41], [54] Unknown action -------------- [10], [13], [18], [24], [29], [30], [43], [46], [47], [49], [50] - <annex> <appendix> [comment to 14] <-- Not approved ??? - [48] <-- I remember discussing and approving it, but I see no "resolved" Pending ------- [55], [56], [61] [57], [58] (no big deal) [59] (Very interesting, this one) [60] (to me this is already included elsewhere) -- Fabio Vitali The sage and the fool Dept. of Informatics go to their graves Univ. of Bologna ITALY alike in this respect: phone: +39 051 2094872 both believe the sage to be a fool. e-mail: fabio@cs.unibo.it Where, then, may wisdom be found? http://vitali.web.cs.unibo.it/ Qi, "Neither Yes nor No", The codeless code Attachment: Release 20210621.zip Description: Zip archive


    Release 20210621.zip   12 KB 1 version