OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements] Revised document

  • 1.  RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements] Revised document

    Posted 05-15-2002 16:38
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [wsia][wsia-requirements] Revised document

    Title: Message
    We still haven't reached a complete agreement with regards to Requirement 602. This horse has been beaten to death and I have a feel that the latest version of the requirement reflects it (i.e., feels like a dead horse :-).
    In general, I think that there are issues that regard to the intent of this requirement, rather to the wording:
    How do we want to handle JavaScript?
    How do we want to handle other embedded presentation formats (Flash, etc.)?
    Although pretty late in the game, this may still be a relevant topic for further discussion with the entire team.
    My particular viewpoint is that we should do every effort to ensure that every piece of functionality that we provide supports both JavaScript, markup generated by JavaScript and binary formats. However, there is currently no consensus on this, especially since this result in implications that are debatable: for example, this requirement leads to favor distributed action routing (where the Consumer passes a URL skeleton and the Producer plugs in an action into it) than Consumer-driven action routing, since the former can also apply to JavaScript and Flash (albeit with work on behalf of the Producer) and the latter can't (or: makes it extremely difficult).
    I would suggest to bring it to further discussion.