Groups - Common Alerting Protocol Usage Survey uploaded

  • 1.  Groups - Common Alerting Protocol Usage Survey uploaded

    Posted 09-22-2014 14:00
    Submitter's message Hi,

    At the September 8 OASIS CAP-SC meeting, I took an action item to develop a survey to ask CAP implementors about (1) existing usage of CAP parameters and resources, and (2) intended usage of proposed new CAP fields storing information at the level.

    Further, I suggested using this opportunity to experiment with collaborative editing tools to improve the speed and efficiency of developing the next version of the CAP standard.

    The work included represents my progress. I plan to seek comment on, then send out, the following survey to CAP implementers. I will then aggregate the results and submit the summary, with attributions, to the CAP-SC for consideration. -- Mr. Steve Hakusa Document Name : Common Alerting Protocol Usage Survey Description At the September 8 OASIS CAP-SC meeting, I (Steve Hakusa) took an action item to develop a survey to ask CAP implementors about (1) existing usage of CAP parameters and resources, and (2) intended usage of proposed new CAP fields storing information at the level.

    Further, I suggested using this opportunity to experiment with collaborative editing tools to improve the speed and efficiency of developing the next version of the CAP standard.

    The work included represents my progress. I plan to seek comment on, then send out, the following survey to CAP implementers. I will then aggregate the results and submit the summary, with attributions, to the CAP-SC for consideration. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Mr. Steve Hakusa Group : EM CAP SC Folder : Contributions Date submitted : 2014-09-22 06:59:53