OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

  • 1.  General Notes from UBL TC Meeting, Stockholm 2007-09-24 (OpeningPlenary)

    Posted 10-05-2007 16:19
    General Notes from UBL TC Meeting, Stockholm 2007-09-24
    Tim McGrath
    G Ken Holman
    Martin Forsberg
    Peter Borresen
    Mavis Cournane
    Andy Schoka
    Sunghyuk Kim
    Ole Madsen
    Michael Grimley
    Thomas Lyons
    Örn S. Kaldalóns
    Report from Vice-chair
    Thank UN/CEFACT Forum for arranging the facilities.
    Major objectives are to forward the work on customization and to 
    progress the collaboration with UN/CEFACT.
    Report from HISC (By Ken Holman)
    Few volunteers for the moment. Ken is asking for assistance. There will 
    be UBL2 Invoice Style sheet available this week. The SC is planning to 
    priority the development of the same documents that exist in UBL1. 
    Denmark has several style sheets that can be used as starting point.
    KH needs input on what part of UBL to map to UN Layout Key.
    Report from SBSC (By Ken Holman)
    PSC and TSC have been asked to review SBS, but nothing has yet been 
    reported back to SBSC.
    Report from TSC (By Andy Schoka)
    Andy Schoka is acting chair after Kama. TSC is working on liaise and 
    cooperate with governments and companies to gather requirements and to 
    test UBL in real-world scenarios.
    UBL BITS (UBL Basic International Trade Process) describes an end-to-end 
    process with sample data. The work is in progress.
    Based on the work, new requirements have been identified that should be 
    added/corrected in a new version. TSC is working with Danish Post and 
    Parcel & Pallets to examine the customization process.
    TSC is also working with Dansk Standard and is reviewing US DOT’s CEFM 
    test and use of status message.
    Report from PSC (Peter Borresen)
    Peter is acting chair after Mark Leitch.
    PSC has a dialog with OASIS Tax XML regarding tax and customs related 
    PSC is intending to have phone conferences once a month or so. Lots of 
    work will be done under the CEN workshop BII and the result from the 
    workshop will be feed back to PSC.
    Report from CEN/BII WS
    BII stands for “Business Interoperability Interface on Public 
    Procurement in Europe” and is a CEN (European Committee for 
    Standardization) workshop. A CEN workshop can be compared with a project.
    NES (Northern European Subset of UBL) and CODICE (E-tendering from 
    Spain) is submitted as input to BII.
    The result from BII will (among other things) be profiles/customized UBL 
    documents that can be used in the CIP i2010 roadmap pilot projects.
    CEN/BII has four working groups
    1. Message content and business processes
    2. UBL – UN/CEFACT convergence
    3. Toolbox
    4. Pilot support
    For more details, look here: http://www.en.ds.dk/bii and 
    Report from NES (Peter Borresen)
    During the start up of the BII WS, NES will be further refined and 
    developed to not loose time.
    Iceland is in production with NES and is currently adapting internal 
    Report from Danish localization SC (Peter Borresen)
    Translation should be finalized in the end of 207
    Denmark will update the legislation to force the public sector to accept 
    UBL2. In 2010 the old OIOXML (UBL 0.7) will not be allowed to use.
    Report from Korean localization SC (Kim)
    The SC is working with funding for the translation of UBL but hopes that 
    the translation will be finalized in the beginning of next year.
    Ken Holman has a tool to generate multilingual documentation read more: 
    www.cranesoftware.com --> free resources
    Update package and UBL 2.1 release (Tim McGrath)
    There are two major types of changes – the editorial corrections in 
    documentation, not affecting the schemas (in any other way than 
    annotation), the other type will require update of schemas (extensions 
    to UBL2).
    Some time during 2008 an update package will be delivered.
    UN/CEFACT relationship (Tim McGrath)
    Refer to "Status of Collaboration with UN/CEFACT" slides 
    - ref: Para 2C of cooperation agreement
    - five points were outlined, two related to UBL
    - agreements are between OASIS (not UBL TC) and UN/CEFACT
    - TC has no authority to represent UBL, OASIS does
    - the perception of "need something now, use UBL" is not well received 
    within UN/CEFACT
    - comment on interpretation of "compatibility" w.r.t. customization 
    definitions of conformance and compatibility
    - UN/CEFACT doesn't work with a concept of minor versions
    - Q: what is the UN/CEFACT perspective of UBL traction? Unknown.
    - no clear vision in UN/CEFACT of a solution for contextualization, so 
    each group is doing their own
    - tempted not to express anything that promotes UBL as such activity is 
    not well received within UN/CEFACT
    - three-year sunset clause in March 2006 Vancouver agreement
    - likelihood UN/CEFACT will not be ready
    - probably due to the approach taken by UN/CEFACT creates documents in 
    isolation and out of synchronization between groups e.g. Cross-industry 
    Invoice released 3 months ago is based on a different library than the 
    Cross-Industry Order released 3 months from now
    - we wouldn't necessarily exercise the cancellation of the agreement but 
    OASIS would reserve the ability to cancel any time after if OASIS 
    perceives the need to move more quickly than what appears to be coming 
    from UN/CEFACT
    tim mcgrath
    phone: +618 93352228  
    postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160
    web: http://www.portcomm.com.au/tmcgrath

  • 2.  Re: General Notes from UBL TC Meeting, Stockholm 2007-09-24 (OpeningPlenary) - update

    Posted 10-16-2007 04:51
    Please note that Tony Coates was also present at the opening plenary.
    Tim McGrath wrote:
    > General Notes from UBL TC Meeting, Stockholm 2007-09-24
    > Participants
    > Tim McGrath
    > G Ken Holman
    > Martin Forsberg
    > Peter Borresen
    > Mavis Cournane
    > Andy Schoka
    > Sunghyuk Kim
    > Ole Madsen
    > Michael Grimley
    > Thomas Lyons
    > Örn S. Kaldalóns
    > Agenda
    > Report from Vice-chair
    > ------------------------
    > Thank UN/CEFACT Forum for arranging the facilities.
    > Major objectives are to forward the work on customization and to 
    > progress the collaboration with UN/CEFACT.
    > Report from HISC (By Ken Holman)
    > ------------------------
    > Few volunteers for the moment. Ken is asking for assistance. There 
    > will be UBL2 Invoice Style sheet available this week. The SC is 
    > planning to priority the development of the same documents that exist 
    > in UBL1. Denmark has several style sheets that can be used as starting 
    > point.
    > KH needs input on what part of UBL to map to UN Layout Key.
    > Report from SBSC (By Ken Holman)
    > ------------------------
    > PSC and TSC have been asked to review SBS, but nothing has yet been 
    > reported back to SBSC.
    > Report from TSC (By Andy Schoka)
    > ------------------------
    > Andy Schoka is acting chair after Kama. TSC is working on liaise and 
    > cooperate with governments and companies to gather requirements and to 
    > test UBL in real-world scenarios.
    > UBL BITS (UBL Basic International Trade Process) describes an 
    > end-to-end process with sample data. The work is in progress.
    > Based on the work, new requirements have been identified that should 
    > be added/corrected in a new version. TSC is working with Danish Post 
    > and Parcel & Pallets to examine the customization process.
    > TSC is also working with Dansk Standard and is reviewing US DOT’s CEFM 
    > test and use of status message.
    > Report from PSC (Peter Borresen)
    > ------------------------
    > Peter is acting chair after Mark Leitch.
    > PSC has a dialog with OASIS Tax XML regarding tax and customs related 
    > question.
    > PSC is intending to have phone conferences once a month or so. Lots of 
    > work will be done under the CEN workshop BII and the result from the 
    > workshop will be feed back to PSC.
    > Report from CEN/BII WS
    > ------------------------
    > BII stands for “Business Interoperability Interface on Public 
    > Procurement in Europe” and is a CEN (European Committee for 
    > Standardization) workshop. A CEN workshop can be compared with a project.
    > NES (Northern European Subset of UBL) and CODICE (E-tendering from 
    > Spain) is submitted as input to BII.
    > The result from BII will (among other things) be profiles/customized 
    > UBL documents that can be used in the CIP i2010 roadmap pilot projects.
    > CEN/BII has four working groups
    > 1. Message content and business processes
    > 2. UBL – UN/CEFACT convergence
    > 3. Toolbox
    > 4. Pilot support
    > For more details, look here: http://www.en.ds.dk/bii and 
    > http://www.cen.eu/cenorm/businessdomains/businessdomains/isss/activity/ws_bii.asp 
    > Report from NES (Peter Borresen)
    > ------------------------
    > During the start up of the BII WS, NES will be further refined and 
    > developed to not loose time.
    > Iceland is in production with NES and is currently adapting internal 
    > processes.
    > Report from Danish localization SC (Peter Borresen)
    > ------------------------
    > Translation should be finalized in the end of 207
    > Denmark will update the legislation to force the public sector to 
    > accept UBL2. In 2010 the old OIOXML (UBL 0.7) will not be allowed to use.
    > Report from Korean localization SC (Kim)
    > ------------------------
    > The SC is working with funding for the translation of UBL but hopes 
    > that the translation will be finalized in the beginning of next year.
    > Ken Holman has a tool to generate multilingual documentation read 
    > more: www.cranesoftware.com --> free resources
    > Update package and UBL 2.1 release (Tim McGrath)
    > ------------------------
    > There are two major types of changes – the editorial corrections in 
    > documentation, not affecting the schemas (in any other way than 
    > annotation), the other type will require update of schemas (extensions 
    > to UBL2).
    > Some time during 2008 an update package will be delivered.
    > UN/CEFACT relationship (Tim McGrath)
    > ------------------------
    > Refer to "Status of Collaboration with UN/CEFACT" slides 
    > (http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ubl/download.php/25562/Status%20of%20Collaborationversion2.ppt) 
    > - ref: Para 2C of cooperation agreement
    > - five points were outlined, two related to UBL
    > - agreements are between OASIS (not UBL TC) and UN/CEFACT
    > - TC has no authority to represent UBL, OASIS does
    > - the perception of "need something now, use UBL" is not well received 
    > within UN/CEFACT
    > - comment on interpretation of "compatibility" w.r.t. customization 
    > definitions of conformance and compatibility
    > - UN/CEFACT doesn't work with a concept of minor versions
    > - Q: what is the UN/CEFACT perspective of UBL traction? Unknown.
    > - no clear vision in UN/CEFACT of a solution for contextualization, so 
    > each group is doing their own
    > - tempted not to express anything that promotes UBL as such activity 
    > is not well received within UN/CEFACT
    > - three-year sunset clause in March 2006 Vancouver agreement
    > - likelihood UN/CEFACT will not be ready
    > - probably due to the approach taken by UN/CEFACT creates documents in 
    > isolation and out of synchronization between groups e.g. 
    > Cross-industry Invoice released 3 months ago is based on a different 
    > library than the Cross-Industry Order released 3 months from now
    > - we wouldn't necessarily exercise the cancellation of the agreement 
    > but OASIS would reserve the ability to cancel any time after if OASIS 
    > perceives the need to move more quickly than what appears to be coming 
    > from UN/CEFACT
    tim mcgrath
    phone: +618 93352228  
    postal: po box 1289   fremantle    western australia 6160
    web: http://www.portcomm.com.au/tmcgrath