FYI: The OASIS energy interoperation TC defines an information model and a communication model to enable collaborative and transactive use of energy, service definitions consistent with the OASIS SOA Reference Model [SOA-RM], and XML vocabularies for the interoperable and standard exchange of Dynamic price signals, Reliability signals, Emergency signals, Communication of market participation information such as bids, Load predictability and generation information op-v1.0.html This work facilitates enterprise interaction with energy markets, which allows effective response to emergency and reliability events allows taking advantage of lower energy costs by deferring or accelerating usage, enables trading of curtailment and generation, supports symmetry of interaction between providers and consumers of energy and provides for aggregation of provision, curtailment, and use. Energy Operation uses Web Services to describe the services, but no requirement or expectation of specific messaging implementation is assumed. A new and separate specification has been defined that defines how to alternatively use ebMS3/AS4 for transporting energy interoperation messages. That specification is now an OASIS Committee Specification: