Thanks Art,
I'm copying this to the EM-Msg SC and I suggest we include it
immediately in our discussions.
We're looking for solutions. I've followed discussions, and I'll
review those threads and research it, too.
At 11:13 AM -0700 3/17/09, Art Botterell wrote:
>An additional concern has come to my attention in the last week, one
>which I believe could easily be addressed in CAP 1.2. (It also
>bears on the IPAWS Profile and I'll be commenting on that in the
>appropriate venue.)
>I'm told that the current CAP 1.1 schema does not permit the use of
>enveloped digital signatures as mandated in section of the
>CAP 1.1 spec. I don't believe there is any policy disagreement
>there; it appears to have been merely an oversight.
>And I believe there are folks on the TC better qualified than I to
>suggest precisely what would need to be added to the schema to
>implement enable Section
>- Art
>Art Botterell, Manager
>Community Warning System
>Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff
>50 Glacier Drive
>Martinez, California 94553
>(925) 313-9603
>fax (925) 646-1120
>>>> Rex Brooks