OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  Excerpts from Meeting Notes of EM-Msg SC 3-3-09

    Posted 03-17-2009 14:05
    Hi Everyone,
    As part of the report from the EM-Msg SC for today's EM TC Meeting, I 
    am excerpting the motions from the Em-Msg Meeting 3-3-09 for the sake 
    of clarity, rather than paraphrasing it for the TC. Note: the issues 
    are summarized from the CAP 1.2 Section of 
    MOTION #1: Jacob Westfall moved that the subcommittee recommend to 
    the Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM TC) that the EM TC 
    approve proceeding with a CAP 1.2 restricted to the existing changes 
    summarized as follows:
    3 - Caution/restriction against restricted, escaped, and special 
    characters and encoded entities in content field
    15,17-6,20,22 - New responseType values of Avoid and AllClear
    16,19 - Editorial changes
    27 - Clarification on acceptable values in polygon and circle elements
    28 - Expand CAP examples to include update and bilingual messages
    Also based on IPAWS profile work, the following changes could also be added,
    - All dateTime elements should include a timezone (Art's guidelines 
    from the IPAWS profile could be used)
    - A review of the schema found 

  • 2.  Re: [emergency] Excerpts from Meeting Notes of EM-Msg SC3-3-09

    Posted 03-17-2009 18:14
    An additional concern has come to my attention in the last week, one which I believe could easily be addressed in CAP 1.2.  (It also bears on the IPAWS Profile and I'll be commenting on that in the appropriate venue.)
    I'm told that the current CAP 1.1 schema does not permit the use of enveloped digital signatures as mandated in section of the CAP 1.1 spec.  I don't believe there is any policy disagreement there; it appears to have been merely an oversight.  
    And I believe there are folks on the TC better qualified than I to suggest precisely what would need to be added to the schema to implement enable Section
    - Art
    Art Botterell, Manager
    Community Warning System
    Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff
    50 Glacier Drive
    Martinez, California 94553
    (925) 313-9603
    fax (925) 646-1120
    >>> Rex Brooks 

  • 3.  Re: [emergency] Excerpts from Meeting Notes of EM-Msg SC 3-3-09

    Posted 03-17-2009 20:12
    Thanks Art,
    I'm copying this to the EM-Msg SC and I suggest we include it 
    immediately in our discussions.
    We're looking for solutions. I've followed discussions, and I'll 
    review those threads and research it, too.
    At 11:13 AM -0700 3/17/09, Art Botterell wrote:
    >An additional concern has come to my attention in the last week, one 
    >which I believe could easily be addressed in CAP 1.2.  (It also 
    >bears on the IPAWS Profile and I'll be commenting on that in the 
    >appropriate venue.)
    >I'm told that the current CAP 1.1 schema does not permit the use of 
    >enveloped digital signatures as mandated in section of the 
    >CAP 1.1 spec.  I don't believe there is any policy disagreement 
    >there; it appears to have been merely an oversight. 
    >And I believe there are folks on the TC better qualified than I to 
    >suggest precisely what would need to be added to the schema to 
    >implement enable Section
    >- Art
    >Art Botterell, Manager
    >Community Warning System
    >Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff
    >50 Glacier Drive
    >Martinez, California 94553
    >(925) 313-9603
    >fax (925) 646-1120
    >>>>  Rex Brooks 

  • 4.  Re: [emergency] Excerpts from Meeting Notes of EM-Msg SC 3-3-09

    Posted 03-17-2009 20:12
    Thanks Art,
    I'm copying this to the EM-Msg SC and I suggest we include it 
    immediately in our discussions.
    We're looking for solutions. I've followed discussions, and I'll 
    review those threads and research it, too.
    At 11:13 AM -0700 3/17/09, Art Botterell wrote:
    >An additional concern has come to my attention in the last week, one 
    >which I believe could easily be addressed in CAP 1.2.  (It also 
    >bears on the IPAWS Profile and I'll be commenting on that in the 
    >appropriate venue.)
    >I'm told that the current CAP 1.1 schema does not permit the use of 
    >enveloped digital signatures as mandated in section of the 
    >CAP 1.1 spec.  I don't believe there is any policy disagreement 
    >there; it appears to have been merely an oversight. 
    >And I believe there are folks on the TC better qualified than I to 
    >suggest precisely what would need to be added to the schema to 
    >implement enable Section
    >- Art
    >Art Botterell, Manager
    >Community Warning System
    >Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff
    >50 Glacier Drive
    >Martinez, California 94553
    >(925) 313-9603
    >fax (925) 646-1120
    >>>>  Rex Brooks