OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Fwd: Meeting at MA CIO on Open Formats for Documents

  • 1.  Fwd: Meeting at MA CIO on Open Formats for Documents

    Posted 06-11-2005 03:14
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    Subject: Fwd: Meeting at MA CIO on Open Formats for Documents

    Hello everyone,
      Since Michael is on vacation, I'm forwarding this to the TC on
    behalf of Patrick Gannon.
    I just wanted to let you know that Mary and I attended the meeting held
    yesterday by the MA IT Department on document formats.
    The focus of the meeting was for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to
    gather input from the industry on issues related to the formation of
    their policy on "Open Formats" for business office documents used or
    produced by the Commonwealth.
    The meeting was kicked off by Eric Kriss, Secretary of Administration
    and Finance, for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
    The meeting was lead by Peter Quinn, CIO of the Information Technology
    Department, who has to make and implement the decisions around the topic.
    In addition to other staff from MA ITD, were representatives from IBM (4),
    Microsoft (3), Sun Microsystems (1), HP (1), CA (1), Novell (1) along with
    the leader of OpenOffice.org ((Sam Hiser) and a couple other
    consultants and IP attorneys.  Nick Gall of Gartner (formerly of Meta
    Group) facilitated the meeting.
    The MA ITD will send out meeting notes later.
    A number of key requirements were discussed around just what the ideal
    open format should be.  I was extremely pleased and proud of how Mary
    McRae was able to clearly articulate some of the basic issues related
    to document formats and the Open Document Format OASIS Standard, as
    she related her experience as a document management consultant and
    expert in this field. Peter Quinn clearly appreciated her expertise
    and expressed his thanks for both of out attendance and helpful
    suggestions.  It was also clear that Secretary Kriss favored open
    standards developed through an open "peer review" process.
    Peter Quinn's group will be putting forward a revised statement on open
    document formats at some point in the future for public review and
    comment. We'll be sure to pass those announcements along to you and
    the OASIS ODF TC.
    Please let us know if you have any questions.
    Patrick Gannon
    President & CEO
    630 Boston Road
    Billerica, MA  01821
    +1.978.667.5115 x201  - office
    +1.978.761.3546       - mobile

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