OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

Re: [ubl] Re: Preliminary agenda for UBL TC meeting 10-14 May 2004

  • 1.  Re: [ubl] Re: Preliminary agenda for UBL TC meeting 10-14 May 2004

    Posted 04-07-2004 19:05
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [ubl] Re: Preliminary agenda for UBL TC meeting 10-14 May 2004

    On 04/06/2004 06:34 PM, Jon.Bosak@Sun.COM wrote:
    > I've removed the long cc: list... Those folks were included just
    > to make sure that everyone had been properly notified of the
    > meeting.
    > [eduardo.gutentag@sun.com:]
    > | if one of the primary objectives of the HK meeting is to
    > | reorganize the SC structure, shouldn't some time to do precisely
    > | that be allowed for in the schedule (either at the beginning of
    > | the week or towards the end)?
    > The schedule in the preliminary agenda was just our usual meeting
    > framework adjusted for local time.  Now that you mention it,
    > though, it appears that (with the exception of the localization
    > SCs) most of the business we have to conduct in Hong Kong is
    > actually plenary business rather than subcommittee business.
    > I already had an action item to generate a more detailed agenda
    > that would provide a plan for the localization items.  Give me a
    > day or so to produce a better schedule that takes this new angle
    > properly into account.
    > Jon
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    Eduardo Gutentag               |         e-mail: eduardo.gutentag@Sun.COM
    Web Technologies and Standards |         Phone:  +1 510 550 4616 x31442
    Sun Microsystems Inc.          |         W3C AC Rep / OASIS BoD

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