OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

  • 1.  UUID and GUID

    Posted 02-09-2006 18:46
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: UUID and GUID

    Hello UBL TC,
    At the Manhattan UBL TC meeting, I took the AI to check on UUID
    vs. GUID and figure out which of these was proprietary.
    The answer to that question is: GUID is a proprietary Microsoft
    implementation of UUID.  We can't be referencing proprietary
    specifications here, so we have to use UUID.  (The OASIS ebXML
    Registry Standard has always used UUID, by the way.)
    Consequently, we will have to change all occurrences of GUID in
    the schemas to UUID.  I'll enter this in the issues list once we
    settle on a UUID reference.
    The reference question is not as simple as one would hope.  For
    background, see the Wikipedia entry on UUID.  Here's my take after
    reading that article and doing a little bit of checking around:
     - The original 1997 UUID spec from The Open Group is not what we
       want, despite the fact that this is the spec referenced in ebRR
       3.0 as
          [UUID] DCE 128 bit Universal Unique Identifier
     - Possible UUID specs include:
        - ISO/IEC 11578:1996, which is not freely available online
        - IETF RFC 4122, which is available at
        - ITU-T Rec. X.667 (2004) | ISO/IEC 9834-8:2005, which is
          based on RFC 4122 and can be found in "prepublished" form at
    Ordinarily I would go with the RFC simply because it's freely
    available.  However, the ITU-T/ISO/IEC spec is also freely
    available as an exception to the usual rule, and I'm informed that
    an agreement between ITU and ISO will keep it that way.  So my
    recommendation is to reference that one unless someone sees a
    reason not to.
    Please post any thoughts you might have on this, and let's aim to
    resolve the issue in next week's Atlantic TC call.

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