OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Re: [ebxml-msg] Proposed CPP/A schema changes to deal with ebMS permessage parameters

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Proposed CPP/A schema changes to deal with ebMS permessage parameters

    Posted 11-19-2001 19:19
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] Proposed CPP/A schema changes to deal with ebMS permessage parameters

    The first point in my original message was intended to differentiate message properties that originate from BPSS from those that are specific to the messaging specification. The DeliveryChannel element originally contains a Characteristics element that carries BPSS related parameters. I am recommending that Characteristics be renamed BusinessProcessCharacteristics before we add the new MessagingCharacteristics element.
    Here is another suggested set of schema changes to address your desire to allow
     "acknowledgments are required for this delivery channel and the message will indicate whether signing is required" or "any requested acknowledgement must be signed".
     <element name="MessagingCharacteristics">
        <element ref="tns:AckRequested"/>
        <element ref="tns:AckSignatureRequested"/>
        <element ref="tns:DuplicateElimination"/>
     <element name="AckRequested">
       <attribute name="perMessageCharacteristics" type="tns:perMessageCharacteristics.type" default="perMessage"/>
       <attribute name="includeInMessageHeader" type="boolean" default="false"/>
       <attribute name="actor" type="tns:actor.type" default="toPartyMSH"/>
     <element name="AckSignatureRequested">
       <attribute name="perMessageCharacteristics" type="tns:perMessageCharacteristics.type" default="perMessage"/>
       <attribute name="flag" type="boolean" default="false"/>
     <element name="DuplicateElimination">
       <attribute name="perMessageCharacteristics" type="tns:perMessageCharacteristics.type" default="perMessage"/>
       <attribute name="flag" type="boolean" default="false"/>
     <simpleType name="perMessageCharacteristics.type">
      <restriction base="NMTOKEN">
       <enumeration value="fixed"/>
       <enumeration value="perMessage"/>
     <simpleType name="actor.type">
      <restriction base="NMTOKEN">
       <enumeration value="nextMSH"/>
       <enumeration value="toPartyMSH"/>