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Subject: [emergency] ANSI Forms Homeland Security Standards Panel // Standardsfor State and Local Preparedness
Allen, Rick et al.In doing research on additional technical
standards in the emergency management space, I came across this recent
news release from ANSI and the attached Congressional Report. While
this information relates primarily to non-technical, macro-level standards,
I thought that it would be worthwhile distributing it to the TC group.
At some point, a liaison with this ANSI panel could be beneficial
to our mission. Perhaps this could occur via existing OASIS relationships
such as NIST.Karl Kotalik
NC4, A Division of Candle Corporation
Homeland Security: Standards for State
and Local Preparedness.
Congressional Research Service, January
2, 2003
Copyright 2003 PR Newswire Association,
PR Newswire
6, 2003, Thursday
HEADLINE: ANSI Forms Homeland Security
Standards Panel as Coordination Body for Private and Public Sectors
The American National
Standards Institute (ANSI), a private non-profit organization that
administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and
conformity assessment systems, has announced the establishment of the Homeland
Security Standards Panel (HSSP), a cross-sectoral coordinating body for
the development and enhancement of Homeland Security and emergency
preparedness standards.
ANSI established the
HSSP in direct response to needs identified in the January 2, 2003,
Report for Congress titled Homeland Security: Standards for State
and Local Preparedness.
"Neither the federal government,
nor the nongovernmental sector presently has a comprehensive, consolidated
program for developing new preparedness standards," the report
states. Formation of the Panel also supports the March 1, 2003, transfer
of twenty-two federal agencies to the new Department of Homeland
The HSSP will promote
a positive, cooperative partnership between the public and private
sectors. Its initial tasks will be to catalog, promote, accelerate
and coordinate the development of standards in Homeland Security
areas including transportation, biometrics, cyber security, and interoperability
of emergency-response equipment. The HSSP will also identify
and communicate to governmental units the existence of current standards
that can meet urgent needs.
"ANSI is uniquely
positioned to address the urgent national priorities in homeland
security by facilitating the standardization efforts of the public and
private sectors," said Dr. Arden L. Bement Jr., director of
the Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology.
"ANSI is the logical source in the private sector to undertake
this important initiative, which complements NIST's role to coordinate
Federal activities in voluntary standards. NIST is pleased
to have been asked to provide the co-chair for this very important
"This is not the
first time that we have responded to calls from the government and
industry when coordination challenges have presented themselves,"
added Dr. George Arnold, chairman of the ANSI Board of Directors.
"The HSSP is the latest example of the value that the Institute
provides on behalf of the nation."
Membership in the HSSP
will include representatives of industry, government, professional
societies, trade associations, standards developers, and consortia groups
directly involved in U.S. homeland security standardization.
ANSI's mission is to
enhance U.S. global competitiveness and the American quality of life
by promoting, facilitating, and safeguarding the integrity of the
voluntary standardization system. ANSI is the official U.S. representative
to the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC), via the U.S. National Committee. The organization
has offices in Washington, DC and New York City.
SOURCE The American National
Standards Institute
CONTACT: Stacy Leistner, +1-212-642-4931,
or Stephanie Carroll, Marketing and Public Relations Assistant, +1-212-642-4890,
or fax, +1-212-398-0023, or both of American National
Standards Institute (ANSI)
LOAD-DATE: February 7, 2003
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