OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  Sidenotes

    Posted 03-30-2003 19:45
    After reviewing a number of current and historical word processors and
    formatting languages I can provide the following information on
    What are they:
    Look here (http://www.info.com.ph/~etan/w3pantheon/style/sidenotes.html)
    for a CSS-based example.
    Who has them:
    At this point no major word processor has sidenotes although all can
    simulate the effect using text frames. They can also be simulated using
    CSS, XSL-FO (Paul Grosso please confirm this), PDF, etc. but not
    explicitly declared. DSSSL put them in a category called marginalia
    (Google it) and appears to support them. Interstingly the XSL
    requirements document (http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-XSLReq) specifically
    calls out sidenotes and marginalia but it appears they didn't make it in
    My take:
    Given that no major current word processor or formatting language
    supports their declaration I would say we don't need to add sidenotes to
    the open office specification. I would, however, like to reaffirm my
    feeling that a more generic note element would give us more long term
    flexibility than the current footnote and endnote elements.
    -Phil Boutros
    VP, Technology