Hi Christian,
I regret that I have been on a short vacation until today, and that Stefan Uhrig has not gotten a reply to his thoughtful post. I will try to get back on my feet, here in the office, and see that he gets a proper response as soon as possible. At least I will send a note to him letting us know we are working on a response, and not ignoring his comment.
As for your question about the spec trumping the schema when there are differences, I think that is a good rule. This one of the reasons I'd really like to get an official working draft version of XLIFF 2.0 passed and posted. Not only would it be a start for the new features we're developing, it would also give us an "official" place to post fixed versions of the XSD that Doug has been quick to make. I will propose to the TC that we make penning and passing a working draft, along with working draft XSDs a TOP priority.