OASIS Member Discuss

Prototyping the OASIS-Open Library

  • 1.  Prototyping the OASIS-Open Library

    Posted 05-05-2006 22:03
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    oasis-member-discuss message

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    Subject: Prototyping the OASIS-Open Library

    Dear OASIS Members,
    The Technology Services team and OASIS staff have been working to
    produce a set of visual mockups to illustrate the proposed functionality
    in development phase one of the OASIS Open Library[1]. The OASIS Open
    Library is being developed as the web-accessible repository for official 
    OASIS standards and other TC work products.
    Attached you will find a 'screen shots' document that illustrates the
    priority features of the application - namely:
       1. upload of documents to the OOLibrary (one file at a
          time, as a zip archive, by multiple file upload)
       2. creation of predictable URIs for uploaded resources based
          upon path and filename elements selected by the user
       3. creation of new folders/subdirectories in a TC's web
          site area
       4. automatic extraction of files from uploaded ZIP archives
       5. designation of a URI to serve as the "latest version URI"
          for a resource (URI aliasing)
       6. management of uploaded files (adding/editing metadata,
          adding annotations)
       7. support for requesting a reserved namespace URI and
          specifying a URI dereferenceing behavior
    We are also preparing a Technical Architecture document that will be 
    released shortly for your review.
    OASIS staff is asking for comments on whether the functionality
    described in the screen shots meets expectations and represents the
    desires of the OASIS membership. Please direct your feedback and
    discussion on the project at the oasis-member-discuss list
    (mailto:oasis-member-discuss@lists.oasis-open.org). Note that All OASIS
    members can send mail to that address without needing to 'join' the
    group first.
    Optionally, OASIS members may "join" (and thus subscribe to) the
    oasis-member-discuss Group/list by following the "Join Group"
    instructions at:
    http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/oasis-member-discuss/ .
    The public archives are visible at
    [1] http://docs.oasis-open.org/
    Best regards,
    Greg Rundlett
    Gregory S. Rundlett
    Technology Services
    "Advancing E-Business Standards Since 1993"
    (978) 667-5115 x 205

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