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  • 1.  Re: [office] re: I guess this is goodbye, and good luck

    Posted 05-16-2007 18:49
    I must respond to your comments below.  While I respect your point of view,
    allow me to inject some truth to this discussion.  See my comments prefaced
    by [Scott said:]
    Separately, someone asked about the fee-free program.  Allow a brief
    explanation here.  The process is simply to send an email to
    Patrick.gannon@oasis-open.org requesting a fee-waived membership, explaining
    you do not have the capacity to fund a membership, what TCs you expect to be
    participating and in what capacity. (Yes, preference is given to active
    participants/contributors over casual observers)  Additionally, a signed
    Member Agreement is required.  
    Subject: Re: [office] re: I guess this is goodbye, and good luck
        * From: marbux 

  • 2.  Re: [office] re: I guess this is goodbye, and good luck

    Posted 05-16-2007 19:42
    On Wed, 2007-16-05 at 14:47 -0400, Scott McGrath wrote:
    > Separately, someone asked about the fee-free program.  Allow a brief
    > explanation here.  The process is simply to send an email to
    > Patrick.gannon@oasis-open.org requesting a fee-waived membership, explaining
    > you do not have the capacity to fund a membership, what TCs you expect to be
    > participating and in what capacity. (Yes, preference is given to active
    > participants/contributors over casual observers)  Additionally, a signed
    > Member Agreement is required.
    This may not be solely an issue of the "capacity to fund a membership".
    Clearly, I cannot stand up and claim that I do not have the capacity to
    fund a membership. But in your initial note to us:
    > I hope many or all of you can continue your participation with your
    > own member account, either individually, or through your employer.  A
    > significant benefit of this is carrying your own voting rights, so you
    > more fully support the work.  To that end, you should review your
    > membership options detailed at
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/join/categories.php I've asked Peter Roden,
    > copied on this message, to contact you to help you know more about the
    > costs/benefits of your own membership.
    you are referring to the cost/benefits of our own membership.
    Unfortunately any cost/benefit analysis based on persuading a
    disinterested employer to join at a significant fee or paying for an
    individual membership to be able to contribute to a cause in which one
    has no financial interests has the result of not being a member any
    "Liberty consists less in acting according to
    one's own pleasure, than in not being subject 
    to the will and pleasure of other people. It 
    consists also in our not subjecting the wills 
    of other people to our own."  Rousseau
    Prof. Dr. Andreas J. Guelzow
    Dept. of Mathematical & Computing Sciences
    Concordia University College of Alberta