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Subject: TC/Kavi Update
Hey gang, I just wanted to give you all an update on the TC. As you know, OASIS has had some "challenges" with Kavi that range from deployment to hacking to making sure it is configured in a way to support the Bylaws, Guidelines, and TC Process. Anyway, I have been exchanging emails, calls, etc. with them about various topics to try and work these out. Here is an update to some of the items you may have been experiencing:
1. Email List Archives Search Functionality: for a long time it did not work, but is working to some degree right now. If you view the archive by "date" the search feature does not show up (they are aware of this). If you view by thread, then it appears and works correctly. If you try to view by month, you get a 404 error (they are aware of this).
2. Document Management: if you click Manage and then Modify you get a "Resource Not Found" error - they are aware of this and working on it.
3. Deleting Old Members: when you delete an old member, it removes them from the roster, but it also removes their attendence from previous meetings. Right now I am marking those people as "Leave of Absence", but that can no vote. Once this is fixed, these people will be deleted.
There is an additional note I want to make about the last item. Previously, we have been pretty forgiving about sticking by the 2 out of 3 meeting guidelines. After the meeting next Tuesday, we will start being a bit more mindful of people missing meetings. So, please be sure to attending the meetings. I will try to send out notes before you are removed, but in either case we are going to try and be better about tracking attendance. Its not fair to those who do attend and contribute regularly.
Thanx - Allen
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