Please review these minutes of the May 11th, 2010 meeting of the Emergency
Management Infrastructure Subcommittee for approval at our next meeting,
subject to any specified changes. Thanks.
-- Jeff Waters
The document named 05-11-2010-Minutes-IF-Subcommittee
(05-11-2010-Minutes-IF-Subcommittee.doc) has been submitted by Jeff Waters
to the EM Infrastructure Framework SC document repository.
Document Description:
Minutes from the May 11, 2010 Meeting of the Emergency Management
Infrastructure Subcommittee meeting. At todays meeting, the participants
discussed the following topics related to the work towards a new version of
the Distribution Element 2.0 -- (1) Call for Comments 30-days the call is
now out and should take 30 days, finishing just prior to our scheduled
Face-2-Face meeting June 28-30. (2) Routing Best Practices Guide
participants agreed that what was initially termed a routing specification
might be better termed a Routing Best Practices Guide, describing what is
currently being done in the field for routing solutions. Multiple scenarios
will be considered, such as routing within an organization, routing across
organizations with strict security restrictions and routing across
organizations with typical security restrictions. The typical exchange
patterns and requirements will then be discussed and how the DE is best
used to address these requirements. The goal is to provide guidance about
routing issues separately from the DE 2.0 specification to facilitate the
DE work progressing. Hans and Jeff will work on an initial version of this
document. (3) XMLEditor tools participants discussed the need of all
members to have a good xml editor and the desire of the subcommittee to
recommend to the Emergency Management Technical Committee that three copies
be budgeted for those members who need it.
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-OASIS Open Administration