OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

  • 1.  Next Steps

    Posted 07-24-2019 01:13
    The Special Majority Vote for Committee Specification has closed, and we will receive official notification of Committee Specification status soon. Once the official date of the Committee Specification has been recorded, it will be time to begin submitting Statements of Use. If you need any assistance with this, please let me know. I will collect the Statements of Use and enter them as TC documents for use in our request for Candidate OASIS Standard status. I would like to ask for a volunteer to submit a brief paragraph for each of the following. 1. A clear English-language summary of the specification that will help OASIS members outside the TC understand what they will be reviewing at the Candidate OASIS Standard stage. 2. The relationship of this specification to similar work of other OASIS TCs or other standards developing organizations. Once the Statements of Use and the descriptive paragraphs have been collected, I will issue a 7-day e-ballot to approve the following. 1. Certification by the TC that all schema and XML instances are well-formed and that expressions are valid. 2. Approval of the descriptive paragraphs. 3. Approval of the Statements of Use. 4. Request for Special Majority Vote to proceed to Candidate OASIS Standard. We're on our way! David

  • 2.  Re: [sarif] Next Steps

    Posted 07-24-2019 01:41
    Here is a first draft of the English-language summary; please feel free to improve: Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) is a standard output format for static analysis tools. A static analysis tool is a program that examines programming artifacts in order to detect problems, without executing the program. A standard output format allows results to be combined across runs of the same tool, and across runs of tools from multiple vendors, to get a more complete picture of the aspects of a program that need improvement. David On 7/23/19 6:13 PM, David Keaton wrote: The Special Majority Vote for Committee Specification has closed, and we will receive official notification of Committee Specification status soon. Once the official date of the Committee Specification has been recorded, it will be time to begin submitting Statements of Use. If you need any assistance with this, please let me know. I will collect the Statements of Use and enter them as TC documents for use in our request for Candidate OASIS Standard status. I would like to ask for a volunteer to submit a brief paragraph for each of the following. 1. A clear English-language summary of the specification that will help OASIS members outside the TC understand what they will be reviewing at the Candidate OASIS Standard stage. 2. The relationship of this specification to similar work of other OASIS TCs or other standards developing organizations. Once the Statements of Use and the descriptive paragraphs have been collected, I will issue a 7-day e-ballot to approve the following. 1. Certification by the TC that all schema and XML instances are well-formed and that expressions are valid. 2. Approval of the descriptive paragraphs. 3. Approval of the Statements of Use. 4. Request for Special Majority Vote to proceed to Candidate OASIS Standard. We're on our way! David --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php

  • 3.  RE: [sarif] Next Steps

    Posted 07-24-2019 13:51
    LGTM. "allows results to be combined" nicely overs a variety of scenarios: storage in a common bug database, analysis by common querying or analysis tools, viewing and interaction in a common set of UI experiences, etc. It was so nice I thought you had cribbed it from the Introduction, but no, it's your own formulation ð